kazuya kawaguchi

Results 245 comments of kazuya kawaguchi

> The next roadmap meaning 10.x? > > I completely agree with @longlho – the successor to ICU MessageFormat isn't going to be ready any time soon, but it might...

This is an issue of `@intlify/bundle-tools. I'll transfer for repos

Thank you for your reporting! This issue is `@intlify/vue-i18n-loader` implementation issue. `@` character is a special character from vue-i18n@v9 https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev/guide/essentials/syntax.html#special-characters So, The message compiler that is used in vue-i18n occurs...

Thank you for feedback! Unfortunately, this is a limitation of Vue Provide / Inject. :disappointed: https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev/guide/advanced/wc.html#limitations Vue docs says: >note that this works only between custom elements https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/web-components.html#definecustomelement This means...

Thank you for your reporting! move to vue-i18n-loader, due to problem to be handled in vue-i18n-loader.

Thank you for your feedback! Unfortunately, currently, vue-i18n message syntax does not support them :disappointed: But I'll plan to extend the message syntax in the future. :smile:

Thank you for your feedback! >Since the failing fallback warnings are much too noisy, I want to silence them, but keep other i18n warnings. Unfortunately, it seems that those booleans...

Close, We've just updated docs. Thank @PeterAlfredLee ! ❤️

Yeah, `import.meta.globEager` (`import.meta.glob`) is useful. I would consider implementing it, but it's a proprietary feature that is not standardized in ECMAScript (tc39) or elsewhere. Since this plugin is for Vite,...

> I think this implies that the `component i18n-n` can be successfully rendered without specifying a tag. Yes, that's right. That's exactly what it says in the document. In Vue...