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kube-state-metrics Addon

Open aabed opened this issue 7 years ago • 3 comments

Adding kube-state-metrics Addon will give more metrics to use and statistics about the kube cluster

aabed avatar Nov 10 '16 11:11 aabed

Could you also provide a Grafana dashboard which uses these metrics?

kayrus avatar Nov 10 '16 15:11 kayrus

@kayrus I don't have this at the time, i only query the data and alert upon it from Prometheus Could you please merge this and we will work on Grafana later

aabed avatar Nov 10 '16 16:11 aabed

@aabed could you at least provide alert rules examples? don't want to merge stuff which doesn't have docs/examples.

kayrus avatar Nov 29 '16 14:11 kayrus