kuttle icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
kuttle copied to clipboard

access kubernetes pod ips + service ips + kube-dns

Open aisangelos opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

#!/bin/sh #[email protected]

found=$(which sshuttle) if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Please install sshuttle" echo "apt-get install sshuttle or brew install shuttle or whatever" exit 1 fi

echo grabbing Nodes IP range ipnodes="$(kubectl get nodes | grep -v NAME | sed -e 's/.us-[we][ea]st.*//g' | cut -f2,3 -d- | sort | uniq | sed -e 's/-/./g').0.0/16" echo Nodes IP range: $ipnodes

echo grabbing services IP range ipservices="$(kubectl get services | awk '{print $3}' | grep -v CLUSTER | grep -v [Nn]one | cut -f1,2 -d. | uniq).0.0/16" echo Services IP range: $ipservices

echo grabbing DNS host dnshost=$(kubectl -n kube-system get service kube-dns | awk '{print $3}' | grep -v CLUSTER) echo DNS service: $dnshost

echo spawning kuttle-${USER} If it errors with "already exists" it is fine kubectl run kuttle-${USER} --image=alpine:latest --restart=Never -- sh -c 'apk add python3 --update && exec tail -f /dev/null'

#Enable this for laptops with dnsmasq ( most of them) DNSMASQ="--dns --ns-hosts= --to-ns=$dnshost" #Uncomment to disable #DNSMASQ=""

echo starting sshutle, you wil need a SUDO password sshuttle -r kuttle-${USER} -e kuttle $DNSMASQ $ipnodes $ipservices

aisangelos avatar Jun 07 '23 13:06 aisangelos