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RetroBat is the best way to play your ROMs collection on Windows !




📌 Presentation

RetroBat is a Windows softwares distribution dedicated to retrogaming and emulation. It provides a fully configured EmulationStation frontend and advanced integration of many emulators with their options directly accessible from the interface menus. RetroBat is all you need to have the best retrogaming experience on your Windows PC !

With RetroBat you will be quickly able to run your games from a ROMs collection and save your time to play.

RetroBat is portable. That means you can run it from any storage device as long as you do this on a computer that meets the requirements.

💻 System Requirements

OS supported: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1
Processor: CPU with SSE2 support. 3 GHz and Dual Core, not older than 2008 is highly recommended.
Graphics: Modern graphics card that supports Direct3D 11.1 / OpenGL 4.4 / Vulkan
Dependancies: Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Packages (32 bit)
Visual C++ 2015, 2017 and 2019 Redistributable Packages (32 bit)
Visual C++ 2015, 2017 and 2019 Redistributable Packages (64 bit)
Controllers: Xinput controllers hightly recommanded. Test your controller HERE

🎮 Supported Machines

Supported Machines

RetroBat will never provide copyrighted/commercial ROMs or BIOS files.

🧰 Build Instructions

The batch script build.bat will download all the softwares required, set the config files and build the RetroBat Setup from setup.nsi sources script.

  • Download and install Git for Windows (follow default setup settings).

  • Open CMD Windows Terminal and run the following commands to clone recursively the RetroBat git with its submodules and run build.bat to launch the build routine:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/kaylh/RetroBat.git
cd RetroBat
  • Once the build process is done, you will find the RetroBat Setup in the build directory.

🦇 RetroBat Team

  • Adrien Chalard "Kayl" - creator of the project, developer
  • Lorenzolamas - community management, graphics
  • Fabrice Caruso - lead developer, theme creation
  • GetUpOr - community, support
  • RetroBoy - community, support

🤘 Special Thanks

  • Hel Mic - for his generous support and for his wonderful themes.
  • Batocera - for their wonderful retrogaming dedicated Operating System.

⚖ Licence

RetroBat (c) 2017-2022 Adrien Chalard "Kayl" and The RetroBat Team.

RetroBat is a free and open source project. It should not be used for commercial purposes. It is done by a team of enthusiasts in their free time mainly for fun.

All the code written by the RetroBat Team, unless covered by a licence from an upstream project, is given under the LGPL v3 licence.

It is not allowed to sell RetroBat on a pre-installed machine or on any storage devices. RetroBat includes softwares which cannot be associated with any commercial activities.

Shipping RetroBat with additional proprietary and copyrighted content is illegal, strictly forbidden and strongly discouraged by the RetroBat Team.

Otherwise, you can start a new project off RetroBat sources if you follow the same conditions.

Finally, the license which concerns the entire RetroBat project as a work, in particular the written or graphic content broadcast on its various media, is conditioned by the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

gpl3licence cclicence

© Credits

  • EmulationStation (C) 2014 Alec Lofquist, contributions from community (MIT Licence).
  • Carbon Theme (c) Fabrice Caruso (CC BY-NC-SA Licence). Originally based on the work of Eric Hettervik (Original Carbon Theme) and Nils Bonenberger (Simple Theme).
  • WiimoteGun (c) Fabrice Caruso (GPL3 Licence).
  • RetroArch by Libretro Team (GPL3 Licence).

💬 Social & Support

  • Official Website: https://www.retrobat.ovh/
  • Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/retrobat/
  • You need help ? You found a bug ? Please visit RetroBat Forum: https://retrobat.forumgaming.fr/
  • Join us on our Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/uyrZrKKDeR