also need to consider regarding duplicate card requests: how 'Projects' will be handled (both from the fiscal host admin side & from the requester side) - "This Project's parent collective...
Everyone who has access to the card must be made aware that receipts must be uploaded within 30 days. e.g. sometimes a group's admins change, they are not aware of...
> For compliance reasons, I wouldn't support assigning a card to non-admins. +1 as it is right now, I imagine there are many non-admins using the virtual cards
> We can't stop non-admins from using cards, but the admin assigned is responsible for collecting and uploading the receipts. And if they can't manage that, they can't have a...
@znarf This is an issue I created to try to consolidate all the ongoing issues mentioned in Slack (in the now-closed ocf-virtual-card-migration channel), mostly gathered from @emberwry and I as...
[user feedback](https://opencollective.slack.com/archives/C01LTEBDARL/p1658844184943649): > Feature request: Show virtual card requests pending approvals. It would be useful to see a pending virtual card request so I can know it was submitted successfully....
https://github.com/opencollective/opencollective/issues/5788 Custom label or description for virtual cards
https://github.com/opencollective/opencollective/issues/5787 Display virtual card Assignee to Admins
As a fiscal host admin, ideally would be able to click on a Collective's name on their virtual card (from within my dashboard), and a new tab would open to...
Or this could go under an 'Update' and we'd have a second tick box/option here that says: `Check this to limit access to the content of this update to hosted...