Kay Hayen
Kay Hayen
When retrying it with current Anaconda, I was getting a hanging process, executing some subprocess apparently, so I cannot really be sure with what it is doing. I found an...
I managed to get it to compile and run, adding a few data files and dynamic metadata version workarounds for used packages, with that ìmagej` and `pjype` were working.
Thanks for your report, this is fixed on the factory branch, which is a development version under rapid development. You can try it out by going here: https://nuitka.net/doc/factory.html Feedback if...
This is now on develop branch and will be part of 1.5 release shortly.
This is part of the stable release 1.5 that I just made.
Should be better these days, memory usage of Nuitka for compilation dropped a lot.
I would say that is indeed to much. How does the memory allocation distribute, how much is it for the gcc, and then also how much are the other arches...
I guess, it would be extremely nice, if we could monitor the memory usage of spawned processes in scons, I think we have code for that applying to Nuitka itself...
Ever since OBS asked me to not build against old versions anymore, my luster to learn it has dropped even further. I will need to replicate its stuff with podman...
But do we know how memory footprints compare there, or what files it is? I think for you to report this as a bug sidestream, you would have to know...