Kay Hayen
Kay Hayen
Ah, I remember, first of all, the code was not good, doing it multiple times potentially: ``` if not receiver.im_func.__name__.startswith("_pyside6_workaround_"): receiver.im_func.__name__ = "_nuitka_" + receiver.im_func.__name__ ``` And then Qt was...
Thanks for your report, this is fixed on the factory branch, which is a development version under rapid development. You can try it out by going here: https://nuitka.net/doc/factory.html Feedback if...
This is now on the develop and the commercial staging branch and part of the latest pre-release, will be part of the 2.0 release that will eventually follow.
This is part of the stable release 2.0 that I just made.
This will make it straight to 2.0.2 too, once released, hopefully soon.
For Linux we do not generate desktop files anymore, and we may well add that, but AppImagine does not exist anymore, therefore I am closing this.
If you are available to do a PR, this can be fixed by adding to the yaml configuration, described here: [https://nuitka.net/doc/nuitka-package-config.html](https://nuitka.net/doc/nuitka-package-config.html) And here is more of a walk through style...
I added a warning for data files with .qml suffix to be included and not having a the `qml` in the active qt plugin list. > Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING: pyside6: Including QML...
Closing this now, as the original issue was solved long ago of course.
It would be great if anyone picked this up, it can help eliminate imports more effectively and reduce code size.