Kay Hayen
Kay Hayen
This one proved relatively hard. I did not find any DLL nor any data file that would be missing. Indeed, when I traced it, turns out it is failing for...
Shifted to 1.2 because I have doubts this is a quick one.
So this is a duplicate of #1590, and I am going to track it there, but it seems as of 9.0 the pyobjc is now supporting Nuitka as currently on...
Closing for lack of feedback.
This is part of the stable release 1.1 that I just made.
@Pirulax if that's a default, anti-bloat and the Yaml configuration could make that change automatically, because I doubt people want that to happen
This will make it straight to 2.0.2 too, once released, hopefully soon.
Copying anything was never supported or supposed to work, so lets not consider that at all. For the generation of docs, that probably needs to be disabled, if that's the...
Ok, I will not look deeply into these things, I trust you will handle it.
So, I am compiling this without issues, but the runtime problem remains the originally reported one. I am checking for hidden dependencies, some modules fail to import. We got the...