Kay Hayen
Kay Hayen
Ok, fixed that one, indeed the module was released in a case, where it shouldn't be, but not sure if that's the actual bug yet, but it feels like a...
So, this wasn't really it, but there seem to be more of the kind, very strangely do modules get released that I wouldn't think so, most strangle `__main__` is, for...
thanks I will take a look
It says "## PyQt and PySide both are prone to crashing on exit. ", indeed. I am suspecting, I need more fixes of the kind of I am making. I...
I have identified how `__main__` is getting destroyed, turns out, the initial module dict contains one that we do not re-use, but just remove, so it's not our real `__main__`...
This is actually true for extension modules too. Our meta path based loader is interacting (for extension) modules in a way that these get created first, then again, and then...
@DJHostetler did you ever try `PySide2` with this one? It may well be PySide6 fault, it would be nice to compare I guess.
It's probably not so easy to go back to old PySide2 there, I will try the source modification I had before, if it really made the problem go away, then...
This is what it crashes at during creation: ``` def absZValue(item): if item is None: return 0 return item.zValue() + absZValue(item.parentItem()) ``` What's noteworthy is that this is taking itself...
I am failing to find the underlying issue, unfortunately, sorry about that. I hate corruption issues, but my attempts to find it in Nuitka all failed. There is one more...