Kay Hayen
Kay Hayen
It ran for me just fine now in standalone mode, no base class issue. To be honest, I am not sure why the accelerated mode is not working, but I...
Ah ok, I was confused there by my accelerated crash, I see. You redirected the outputs as a note, so maybe that is why you didn't see it, in that...
With C code, I mean extension modules not implemented through Nuitka :)
So, now I managed to reproduce it. And when I tried to debug it, pure Python is now giving me this error that I had previously with accelerated compilation, after...
These Qt things are outright dirty, it's scary, I think it's attempting a fallback, because something wasn't available, and that then has the wrong signature, so it's not used in...
I am tempted to assume lack of Qt plugins, your list might be too small for the export code, but I will try and see what it does there.
Well, you can specify `all`. For now I am trying to see what fails to load, so I don't get to bisect as much, to what plugin it really is,...
I am pretty sure, I will be able to solve it. Just takes forever to gain new information. My machine blue screened from doing too many compilations earlier today. But...
Since debugging works better on Linux for me, I switched to Linux, where I managed to also reproduce the issue. Without my debug changes, the parameter error is back, but...
I believe I am closing in, this is a corruption bug, likely. And the test case is really narrow now, it seems that the import of the `heapq` module and...