Kay Hayen
Kay Hayen
Needless to say, a test case is always needed.
@belonesox I missed your example, sorry, that'a a good one. The solution is a bit inolved, because I doubt there is a way for this to work without including source...
It seems numba will not use source code, but bytecode, as I am getting the same callstack in accelerated mode (where `__file__` would allow loading the source code), so this...
I got the example. This will wait until PGO for Nuitka is implemented, where we will want to allow unused functions to be compiled as bytecode only and from there,...
Nuitka does the `codesign` itself, and on develop it added the ability to specify the certificate to use, and even entitlements, before it was only ad-hoc signature. I agree, shouldn't...
You can checkout the develop packages no problem and see for yourself.
One day I will figure out, how Nuitka-develop can be uploaded to PyPI as well without conflicting with Nuitka, but I didn't spend the time yet, how to identify develop...
@logileifs thanks, I will try to add it once i find the time.
Yes, you need to add `--onefile`. For `PySide2` it is also required. What I take from that is that maybe it would make sense to discover this automatically. I guess...
The config for the TkInter variants for Python2/Python3 is on factory branch now.