Kay Hayen
Kay Hayen
Ah, standalone is just modified by `--macos-create-app-bundle`. It is just standalone with a few more files and different structure, and recognized by apple, and then allowed to access the GUI....
I believe it is right now possible to use it with `--standalone --macos-create-app-bundle --macos-disable-console`. I didn't try it, but I expect that to be the case. I will look at...
I have tried this myself, finding another imperfection new develop DLL dependency parser. It seems `pyautogui` pip install is pulling quite a bit of macOS specific packages with ObjC bindings....
Well, starts off with really bad code: ``` try: import Quartz except: assert False, "You must first install pyobjc-core and pyobjc: https://pyautogui.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html" ``` This broad exception catcher, also gets `KeyboardInterrupt`...
Good point, there is a range of objc bindings, that are not working, this should be on my list of things to solve.
This will be merged once we have the self hosted runners available.
@jayvdb going to do that then
There is a section on low memory in the user manual that you apparently already found. There are other things you can try: Update your MSVC. Scalability of the C...
The module `asyncua.ua.object_ids` is giving Nuitka a hard time, even at Python compile time. It's a class with 25k members and also 25k item assignments to a dictionary.
Not sure if the class has an issue (it probably has, because in first pass, it's not known that these assignments cannot raise, this will give a 25k long merge...