Results 33 issues of Ryan Ka Yau Lai

1. A user clicks on a track/rez/card while the track/resonance/stack screen is active. 2. The track/resonance/stack pane should then scroll to the trail/resonance/stack that contains the current track/rez/card.


Right now, batch import is not available through the user interface. I imagine the way to do it would be: specify a directory with all the import files. Do the...


1. Create a token. 2. Clear the currently displayed column of the token so that it's an empty string 3. Attempt to create a chunk with only this token. ___________________________________________...


This happens after a a lot of situations: - I delete the last track of a trail - I create a blank chunk and then click on anywhere white -...


Zombie fields are not truly deleted in Rezonator. They are deleted from the interface, but remain in the data structure. When a tagset is saved as tag.json and loaded again,...


Right now, you have to type the filename by yourself; I think it could save a tiny bit of time to have the original filename by default.


Opens just fine, but crashes when scrolling to a line around line 46-50.* This happens regardless of whether you are scrolling in the nav window or the main screen. Rezonator...


**Background** As of now, delinking any chunk from a trail/resonance, i.e. deleting the track/rez, will delete the **chunk itself**, even if the chunk itself used to be a blank chunk....


1. Create a bunch of chunks 2. Go to one-to-one mode 3. Click on a chunk 4. Instead of jumping to the line containing the current chunk, the chunk pane...


Apply this to trail 140, line 674. No idea about the condition but hopefully reproducible. [](
