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Prometheus exporter for Kafka consumer group information obtained through ``.


Build Status Go Report Card GoDoc

A prometheus exporter for Kafka's consumer group information. For other metrics from Kafka, have a look at the JMX exporter.


  • Exports Kafka's consumer group information which can be obtained by executing
  • Supports only new consumer (--new-consumer switch enabled by default) which uses Kafka broker as the offset checkpoint store

Export metrics

  • kafka_broker_consumer_group_current_offset: Consuming offset of each consumer group/client/topic/partition based on committed offset
  • kafka_broker_consumer_group_offset_lag: Offset lag between the last log end offset and consuming point of each consumer group/client/topic/partition

Supported Kafka versions

This exporter relies on script that is shipped as part of Apache Kafka distribution. Here is the list of Apache Kafka versions which has been tested to use from this exporter:

  • 0.10.1.X

Install and run

$ go get
$ $GOPATH/bin/prometheus-kafka-consumer-group-exporter -help

How to start developing

$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git checkout -b my-new-feature
$ go test -v ./...    # Run tests to make sure you have a good development environment and all works.

Before pull requests you may also want to make sure that go vet, gofmt and golint passes:

$ go get -u
$ golint ./...
$ ./
$ go vet ./...

(otherwise that's done through our CI on pull request submission)

Example Usage

# Download latest Kafka distribution (if necessary)
$ tar zxvf kafka_LATEST_VERSION.tgz
$ ./kafka_consumer_group_exporter --consumer-group-command-path=./kafka_LATEST_VERSION/bin/ BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS