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Figma plugin to generate map, supporting Google Maps and Mapbox, featured as #5 product of the day at Product Hunt

Map Maker

Map Maker allows you to make a customized map blazing fast.

Figma Map Maker - Figma plugin to generate map, supporting Google Maps, Mapbox | Product Hunt Embed MIT License



1. Easy To Use

Select any layer including Rectangle, Ellipse or even Polygon, and run Map Maker.

2. Fully Customizable

Google Maps :

  1. Address
  2. Map Types (including roadmap, satellite, hybrid, and terrain)
  3. Zoom Level
  4. Showing Marker
  5. Custom JSON using Google Maps API's Styling Wizard or Snazzy Maps

Mapbox :

  1. Address
  2. Style
  3. Zoom Level
  4. Bearing
  5. Pitch

3. Editable

Select your Map and run Map Maker again. It saves all your customization to your layer.

4. Live Preview

You can hide the build-in preview, and see the actual output live on your canvas, while editing your map.

Google Map usage



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


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