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Text BBS 🗣️ with authenticated 🔒🆔 posts 🗨️ and no registration 🚫✍️



Text BBS/message board which runs bubblebbs.cafe.

This project is in alpha. It is currently unversioned and very messy.

Some of BubbleBBS' features:

  • Cookie manager allows users to control name-remembering and custom stylesheets
  • Trip meta pages exist as soon as the tripcode is used when creating a post! You can edit these pages by supplying a string which hashes to that tripcode! Shows posts by that tripcode, as well as post counts!
  • Tripcodes salted by both secret and the poster's name. This prevents identity-jacking (in the event users happened to use the same password).
  • Flags IPs which use a name with a tripcode that doesn't match the original occurence of name's tripcode
  • Prefixes "verified" names with a green checkmark. Verified names are posts which have a tripcode matching the tripcode of the first post with said name.
  • Markdown support, optional headline syntax
  • Google Recaptcha
  • Create pages
  • Word filter lets you not only filter words (also pattern matches on plurals), but "flag" IP addresses that use those words
  • Automatically ban users based on certain phrases
  • Manage site through backend
  • Site blotter
  • Doesn't allow duplicate posts
  • Tripcodes hash to color and emoji
  • Fluid default stylesheet
  • Full text search

You must do this before you begin

  • Make sure you're using latest Docker and docker-compose, install according to Docker community instructions, don't install via your distribution's repo (it's probably way out-of-date!).

  • Docker will look for .env-file unless you provide docker with envvars using -e ENVVAR=value. So you need to do either:

    cp .env-file.debug.example .env-file


    cp .env-file.prod.example .env-file

    And then edit .env-file.

General technical notes

Admins login at /admin with the default username admin and default password admin. Make sure to change this!

Running tests

docker build . -t bubblebbs
docker run -v "$(pwd):/app" bubblebbs pytest

You only need to run docker build once, but you need to run it again when/if Dockerfile changes.


To make a debugging server which reloads on changes run on http://localhost:8080/ do something like this:

docker build . -t bubblebbs
docker run -it \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -v "$(pwd):/app" \
    --env-file .env-file \
    bubblebbs debug

You only need to run docker build once, but you need to run it again when/if Dockerfile changes.

Debugging, running tests without Docker

You can still fiddle around with bubblebbs like you would any ol' Python code:

  1. Create and activate a virtual environment
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. In Ubuntu I needed to sudo apt install libssl-dev (this is for scrypt)
  4. python3 -m bubblebbs.runserver
  5. http://localhost:8080/

You can run tests with pytest in the project root.

Running production with HTTPS

Using this reverse proxy setup is really nice, it takes care of:

  • Running as many Docker services as you want behind this reverse-proxy, so it's easy to run many different websites on one machine!
  • Pain-free HTTPS!

You will need a .letsencrypt directory to hold HTTPS stuff. It'll get mounted to various places in a couple containers.

Start the reverse proxy, you can copy and paste the following:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
    --name nginx-proxy \
    -v "$(pwd)/.letsencrypt/certs:/etc/nginx/certs:ro" \
    -v "$(pwd)/.letsencrypt/vhosts:/etc/nginx/vhost.d" \
    -v "$(pwd)/.letsencrypt/challenge_files:/usr/share/nginx/html" \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro \
    --label com.github.jrcs.letsencrypt_nginx_proxy_companion.nginx_proxy \

Once you've started nginx-proxy you can bring it back up with docker start nginx-proxy if it ever goes down.

Now start the reverse proxy HTTPS "companion," you can simply copy and paste this:

docker run -d \
    -v "$(pwd)/.letsencrypt/certs:/etc/nginx/certs:rw" \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
    --volumes-from nginx-proxy \

Build the BubbleBBS container, you can copy and paste this:

docker build . -t bubblebbs

Finally launch the BubbleBBS container, but please take special care to use your information (don't just paste this!):

docker run \
    -e "VIRTUAL_HOST=bubblebbs.cafe" \
    -e "LETSENCRYPT_HOST=bubblebbs.cafe" \
    -e "[email protected]" \
    -e "VIRTUAL_PORT=8081" \
    --publish 8081:80 \
    -d \
    -v "$(pwd)/bubblebbs/bubblebbs.db:/app/bubblebbs/bubblebbs.db" \
    --env-file .env-file \
    --name bbbsd \

You can relaunch with docker up bbbsd. You don't need an env-file you can just use -e for all the envvars instead (especially useful if you're using AWS ECS!). Also if you're not using sqlite3 you can remove -v "$(pwd)/bubblebbs/bubblebbs.db:bubblebbs/bubblebbs.db".