tempomail icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tempomail copied to clipboard

Generate a custom Email Address in 1 Second and receive Emails.

NOTE: Currently writing an interactive user interface. All emails will be encrypted with Protonmail's PGP. There will be an option to use a DarkWeb disposible email service on the TOR network. Stay tuned!


tempomail is a standalone binary that allows you to create a temporary email address in 1 Second and receive emails. It uses 1secmail's API. No dependencies required!

Note: Only accepting plain text for now.


From Binary

Download the pre-built binaries for different platforms from the releases page. Extract them using tar, move it to your $PATH and you're ready to go.

▶ # download release from https://github.com/kavishgr/tempomail/releases/
▶ tar -xzvf linux-amd64-tempomail.tgz
▶ mv tempomail /usr/local/bin/
▶ tempomail -h

From Github

git clone https://github.com/kavishgr/tempomail.git
cd tempomail
go build .
mv tempomail /usr/local/bin/ #OR $HOME/go/bin
tempomail -h


By default, all emails are saved in /tmp/1secmails/. It only has only one flag --path to specify a directory to store your emails:

Usage of tempomail:
  -path string
    	specify directory to store emails (default "/tmp/1secmails/")

Press CTRL+c or SIGTERM to quit and all emails will be deleted.

Does it need improvement ?

Open an issue.


  • Download Attachments[in progress]
  • Parse formatted emails[maybe in the future]