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A python/django Active Directory group management abstraction that uses ldap3 as a backend for cross-platform compatibility.

============================= ldap-groups

A python/django Active Directory group management abstraction that uses ldap3 as a backend for cross-platform compatibility.


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Install ldap-groups with pip:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install ldap-groups

Add ldap-groups to INSTALLED_APPS (if you're using Django)

.. code:: python


Django Settings

There are a few settings that must be configured before ldap-groups will run.


  • LDAP_GROUPS_SERVER_URI - The ldap server's uri, e.g. 'ldap://example.com'
  • LDAP_GROUPS_BASE_DN - The base search dn, e.g. 'DC=example,DC=com'


  • LDAP_GROUPS_BIND_DN - The bind user's DN
  • LDAP_GROUPS_BIND_PASSWORD - The bind user's password

NOTE: while a bind user is optional, many servers' security settings will deny anonymous access.

  • LDAP_GROUPS_USER_LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE - The attribute by which to search when looking up users (should be unique). Defaults to 'sAMAccountName'.
  • LDAP_GROUPS_USER_SEARCH_BASE_DN - The base dn to use when looking up users. Defaults to LDAP_GROUPS_BASE_DN.
  • LDAP_GROUPS_GROUP_LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE - The attribute by which to search when looking up groups (should be unique). Defaults to 'name'.
  • LDAP_GROUPS_GROUP_SEARCH_BASE_DN - The base dn to use when looking up groups. Defaults to LDAP_GROUPS_BASE_DN.
  • LDAP_GROUPS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST - A list of attributes returned for each member while pulling group members. An empty list should return all attributes. Defaults to ['displayName', 'sAMAccountName', 'distinguishedName'].


In its current state, ldap-groups can perform the following functions:

  • Get a specific attribute of a group
  • Get all attributes of a group in dictionary form
  • Get all members of a group and their attributes (users)
  • Add a member to a group (user)
  • Remove a member from a group (user)
  • Add a child to a group (nested group)
  • Remove a child from a group (nested group)
  • Get all descendants of a group (groups and organizational units)
  • Get all children of a group (groups and organizational units)
  • Traverse to a specific child of a group
  • Traverse to a group's parent
  • Traverse to a group's ancestor

An ADGroup instance only requires one argument to function: a group's distinguished name. Once the ADGroup is instantiated, the rest is fairly simple:

.. code:: python

from ldap_groups import ADGroup

GROUP_DN = "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"
TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = "objectClass"

class ADGroupModifier(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.ad_group_instance = ADGroup(GROUP_DN)

    def add_member(self):

    def remove_member(self):

    def get_group_member_info(self):
        return self.ad_group_instance.get_member_info()

class ADGroupInfo(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.ad_group_instance = ADGroup(GROUP_DN)

    def get_attributes(self):
        return self.ad_group_instance.get_attributes()

    def get_name(self):
        return self.ad_group_instance.get_attribute(NAME_ATTRIBUTE)

    def get_type(self):
        return self.ad_group_instance.get_attribute(TYPE_ATTRIBUTE)


.. code:: python

def get_attribute(attribute_name, no_cache=False):
    """ Gets the passed attribute of this group.

    :param attribute_name: The name of the attribute to get.
    :type attribute_name: str
    :param no_cache (optional): Set to True to pull the attribute directly from an LDAP search instead of from the cache. Default False.
    :type no_cache: boolean

    :returns: The attribute requested or None if the attribute is not set.


def get_attributes(no_cache=False):
    """ Returns a dictionary of this group's attributes. This method caches the attributes after the first search unless no_cache is specified.

    :param no_cache (optional): Set to True to pull attributes directly from an LDAP search instead of from the cache. Default False
    :type no_cache: boolean


def _get_group_members(page_size=500):
    """ Searches for a group and retrieve its members.

    :param page_size (optional): Many servers have a limit on the number of results that can be returned. Paged searches circumvent that limit. Adjust the page_size to be below the server's size limit. (default: 500)
    :type page_size: int


def get_member_info(page_size=500):
    """ Retrieves member information from the AD group object.

    :param page_size (optional): Many servers have a limit on the number of results that can be returned. Paged searches circumvent that limit. Adjust the page_size to be below the server's size limit. (default: 500)
    :type page_size: int

    :returns: A dictionary of information on members of the AD group based on the LDAP_GROUPS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST setting or attr_list argument.


def get_tree_members():
    """ Retrieves all members from this node of the tree down."""

def add_member(user_lookup_attribute_value):
    """ Attempts to add a member to the AD group.

    :param user_lookup_attribute_value: The value for the LDAP_GROUPS_USER_LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE.
    :type user_lookup_attribute_value: str

    :raises: **AccountDoesNotExist** if the provided account doesn't exist in the active directory. (inherited from _get_user_dn)
    :raises: **EntryAlreadyExists** if the account already exists in this group. (subclass of ModificationFailed)
    :raises: **InsufficientPermissions** if the bind user does not have permission to modify this group. (subclass of ModificationFailed)
    :raises: **ModificationFailed** if the modification could not be performed for an unforseen reason.


def remove_member(user_lookup_attribute_value):
    """ Attempts to remove a member from the AD group.

    :param user_lookup_attribute_value: The value for the LDAP_GROUPS_USER_LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE.
    :type user_lookup_attribute_value: str

    :raises: **AccountDoesNotExist** if the provided account doesn't exist in the active directory. (inherited from _get_user_dn)
    :raises: **InsufficientPermissions** if the bind user does not have permission to modify this group. (subclass of ModificationFailed)
    :raises: **ModificationFailed** if the modification could not be performed for an unforseen reason.


def add_child(group_lookup_attribute_value):
    """ Attempts to add a child to the AD group.

    :param group_lookup_attribute_value: The value for the LDAP_GROUPS_GROUP_LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE.
    :type group_lookup_attribute_value: str

    :raises: **GroupDoesNotExist** if the provided group doesn't exist in the active directory. (inherited from _get_group_dn)
    :raises: **EntryAlreadyExists** if the child already exists in this group. (subclass of ModificationFailed)
    :raises: **InsufficientPermissions** if the bind user does not have permission to modify this group. (subclass of ModificationFailed)
    :raises: **ModificationFailed** if the modification could not be performed for an unforseen reason.


def remove_child(group_lookup_attribute_value):
    """ Attempts to remove a child from the AD group.

    :param group_lookup_attribute_value: The value for the LDAP_GROUPS_GROUP_LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE.
    :type group_lookup_attribute_value: str

    :raises: **GroupDoesNotExist** if the provided group doesn't exist in the active directory. (inherited from _get_group_dn)
    :raises: **EntryAlreadyExists** if the child already exists in this group. (subclass of ModificationFailed)
    :raises: **InsufficientPermissions** if the bind user does not have permission to modify this group. (subclass of ModificationFailed)
    :raises: **ModificationFailed** if the modification could not be performed for an unforseen reason.


def get_descendants(page_size=500):
    """ Returns a list of all descendants of this group.

    :param page_size (optional): Many servers have a limit on the number of results that can be returned. Paged searches circumvent that limit. Adjust the page_size to be below the server's size limit. (default: 500)
    :type page_size: int


def get_children(page_size=500):
    """ Returns a list of this group's children.

    :param page_size (optional): Many servers have a limit on the number of results that can be returned. Paged searches circumvent that limit. Adjust the page_size to be below the server's size limit. (default: 500)
    :type page_size: int


def child(group_name, page_size=500):
    """ Returns the child ad group that matches the provided group_name or none if the child does not exist.

    :param group_name: The name of the child group. NOTE: A name does not contain 'CN=' or 'OU='
    :type group_name: str
    :param page_size (optional): Many servers have a limit on the number of results that can be returned. Paged searches circumvent that limit. Adjust the page_size to be below the server's size limit. (default: 500)
    :type page_size: int


def parent():
    """ Returns this group's parent (up to the DC)"""

def ancestor(generation):
    """ Returns an ancestor of this group given a generation (up to the DC).

    :param generation: Determines how far up the path to go. Example: 0 = self, 1 = parent, 2 = grandparent ...
    :type generation: int


Running ldap-groups without Django

If ldap-groups is not used in a django project, the ADGroup object can be initialized with the following parameters:

.. code:: python

ADGroup(group_dn, server_uri, base_dn[, user_lookup_attr[, group_lookup_attr[, attr_list[, bind_dn, bind_password[, user_search_base_dn[, group_search_base_dn]]]]]])
  • group_dn - The distinguished name of the group to manage.
  • server_uri - The ldap server's uri, e.g. 'ldap://example.com'
  • base_dn - The base search dn, e.g. 'DC=example,DC=com'
  • user_lookup_attr - The attribute by which to search when looking up users (should be unique). Defaults to 'sAMAccountName'.
  • group_lookup_attr - The attribute by which to search when looking up groups (should be unique). Defaults to 'name'.
  • attr_list - A list of attributes returned for each member while pulling group members. An empty list should return all attributes. Defaults to ['displayName', 'sAMAccountName', 'distinguishedName'].
  • bind_dn - The bind user's DN
  • bind_password - The bind user's password
  • user_search_base_dn - The base dn to use when looking up users. Defaults to LDAP_GROUPS_BASE_DN.
  • group_search_base_dn - The base dn to use when looking up groups. Defaults to LDAP_GROUPS_BASE_DN.

Running the Tests

.. code-block:: bash

pip install -r requirements/test.txt