facebook-archive copied to clipboard
EXIF Data for archived photos
As a facebook-archive user, I need to have EXIF Data (at least Date and Time (original)) from my photos archived, so that I can upload / store this photos in an organized manner.
Facebook archive doesn't provide EXIF data from your photos.
There is a way to obtain it by going to you_archive/photos_and_videos folder/album
Here, there is all your albums in .html format.
In each .html, there is each photos and a link with photo timestamp.
Acceptance Criteria
Update [Required]
- [ ] All photos in your_archive_/photos_and_videos/* should have an EXIF data (at least Date and time (original) attribute) extracted from your_archive_/photos_and_videos/album/* html files.
Definition of Done
- [ ] All of the required items are completed.
- [ ] Approval by 1 mentor.
1 Day
Here is an exemple from my personal archive. This snippet is from photos_and_videos / album / 0.html
` <div class="_4t5n" role="main">
<div class="pam _3-95 _2pi0 _2lej uiBoxWhite noborder">
<div class="_3-96 _2pio _2lek _2lel">*** SKYDIVE 2014 ***</div>
<div class="_3-96 _2let"><a
class="_2yuc _3-96" /></a>
<table class="uiGrid _51mz" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr class="_51mx">
<td class="_51m- _2oao">
<div class="_tqp">Adresse IP de la source</div>
<td class="_51m- _2piu _23bw _51mw">
<div class="_tqp"></div>
<div class="_3-94 _2lem"><a
mars 2014 à 19:16</a></div>
In these files, you can see the src (means where this photography is saved) and on <div class="_3-94 _2lem">
the picture date.
Here is a draft of the logic behind this.
FOR EACH .html files in photos_and_videos/album
FOR EACH src found in html file
Take the date from text inside <div class="_3-94 _2lem"> / href
Add the date to the EXIF of the photo pointed by the src
Thanks for bringing this to the attention @mothinx :smile: However, this project is not under active development and facebook archive seems to keep changing its schema every few months :/ I'll work on this if and when I get time.
To be honest i'm a java developer and i need this feature for my personal case (i'm currently deleting all my digital footprint). I just checked github for some applications to work with facebook-archive and you are the only one i found 😄 I can work on this feature if you want, just give me some basic guidelines (what kind of files i need to modify / create) and i will PR