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A Programming Contest Control System with a Web Interface.

Aurora Online Judge


  • Copy all files into a directory named "aurora" inside your Apache's Document Root.
  • Open (create, if required) the file "/aurora/sys/system_config.php" and set the variables (with appropriate values) as shown below:
$mysql_hostname = "";
$mysql_username = "username";
$mysql_password = "password";
$mysql_database = "aurora";
$admin_teamname = "admin";
$admin_password = "password";
  • Create an empty subdirectory called "temp" in the "sys" directory (with 777 permissions).
  • Using a browser, open "https://hostname/aurora/?display=doc" to read further instructions on how to use this software.
  • To judge sumissions, run the script "" on (preferably) a virtual machine that satisfies the server configuration specified in the FAQ.
  • An upgraded version of this project can be found at:

Created by: Kaustubh Karkare