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Publications in academic theme
Hi, I'm using the academic theme and would like to add a section with publications. Are there any examples on how to do this with ox-hugo? Is there a tool to take a bibtex entry and generate the required subtree with all properties?
I found an example of what the markdown should look like but how do I add all this properties on my org files so that ox-hugo can generate the correct markdown?
title = "A publication title, such as title of a paper"
# Date first published.
date = "2013-07-01"
# Authors. Comma separated list, e.g. `["Bob Smith", "David Jones"]`.
authors = ["First author's name", "Second author's name"]
# Publication type.
# Legend:
# 0 = Uncategorized
# 1 = Conference proceedings
# 2 = Journal
# 3 = Work in progress
# 4 = Technical report
# 5 = Book
# 6 = Book chapter
publication_types = ["1"]
# Publication name and optional abbreviated version.
publication = "In *International Conference on Academic*. You may use *Markdown* for italics etc."
publication_short = "In *ICA*"
# Abstract and optional shortened version.
abstract = "The abstract. Markdown and math can be used (note that math may require escaping as detailed in the red alert box below)."
abstract_short = "A short version of the abstract."
# Featured image thumbnail (optional)
image_preview = ""
# Is this a selected publication? (true/false)
selected = true
# Projects (optional).
# Associate this publication with one or more of your projects.
# Simply enter the filename (excluding '.md') of your project file in `content/project/`.
# E.g. `projects = ["deep-learning"]` references `content/project/deep-learning.md`.
projects = []
# Links (optional).
url_pdf = "pdf/my-paper-name.pdf"
url_preprint = ""
url_code = ""
url_dataset = ""
url_project = ""
url_slides = ""
url_video = ""
url_poster = ""
url_source = ""
# Custom links (optional).
# Uncomment line below to enable. For multiple links, use the form `[{...}, {...}, {...}]`.
# url_custom = [{name = "Custom Link", url = "http://example.org/"}]
# Does the content use math formatting?
math = true
# Does the content use source code highlighting?
highlight = true
# Featured image
# Place your image in the `static/img/` folder and reference its filename below, e.g. `image = "example.jpg"`.
image = "headers/bubbles-wide.jpg"
caption = "My caption 😄"
thanks FKG
I saw that there is a way to extend the frontmatter: https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/custom-front-matter/
But is there an automated code to import publication in some standard format like bibtex and generate the required subtree?
is there an automated code to import publication in some standard format like bibtex and generate the required subtree?
doesn't support parsing bibtex and there are no plans at the moment.
The scope of bibtex parsing resides outside of the scope of this package as it only parses Org mode data to Markdown + front-matter.
I wrote a elisp parser that takes a bibtex in the kill-ring and generate a ox-hugo structure as well as a directory in the contents/publication using the citation id as name and addes a cite.bib file with the bibtex.
Is this something that you would be interested in including in your package?
Does this code need integration with ox-hugo? Or can it work as a separate package?
does not need integration with ox-hugo at all. However, it is only useful for ox.hugo
Can you please share it as a package that requires ox-hugo?