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Competitive programming problems solved
This repo contains solutions to various programming problems available online, most of them coded in C++
It also has a few template files related to specific algorithms or data structure.
Each solution file is appended with a commented
section on top. It consists of:
- Tags
- Problem description and/or link
- Runtime complexity
Every solution file starts with one or more tags representing the algorithm/data structure used to solve the problem. Follow the link to the tags to discover related problems in the repo.
Topic | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
GRAPH | BFS | 0-1 BFS | Dijkstra | MST | Floyd Warshall | |
TREE | DFS | Flattening | Ancestor | LCA | Euler Path | Trie |
STRING | KMP | Prefix Array | Hashing | Suffix Array | ||
RANGE | Lazy ST | Segment Tree | RMQ | BIT | ||
STRUCT | DSU | Policy Tree | Directions | Bitset | Offline | |
ALGO 1 | MO | Sqrt Decomp | Grundy | HLD | Matrix Multiplication | FFT |
ALGO 2 | DP | Recursion | nCr | Sieve | Prime Factorization | |
ALGO 3 | Cycle | Sweep | Subarray | Bitmask | Inclusion Exclusion |
Complete list of tags can be found here
Follow [this link][doc] to see unsolved problems categorized via topic.
Most of the codes are written by the author. Due acknowledgement is given in case any part of program is copied from some source.