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Competitive programming problems solved


This repo contains solutions to various programming problems available online, most of them coded in C++. It also has a few template files related to specific algorithms or data structure.

Each solution file is appended with a commented section on top. It consists of:

  • Tags
  • Problem description and/or link
  • Runtime complexity


Every solution file starts with one or more tags representing the algorithm/data structure used to solve the problem. Follow the link to the tags to discover related problems in the repo.

Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6
GRAPH BFS 0-1 BFS Dijkstra MST Floyd Warshall
TREE DFS Flattening Ancestor LCA Euler Path Trie
STRING KMP Prefix Array Hashing Suffix Array
RANGE Lazy ST Segment Tree RMQ BIT
STRUCT DSU Policy Tree Directions Bitset Offline
ALGO 1 MO Sqrt Decomp Grundy HLD Matrix Multiplication FFT
ALGO 2 DP Recursion nCr Sieve Prime Factorization
ALGO 3 Cycle Sweep Subarray Bitmask Inclusion Exclusion

Complete list of tags can be found here


Follow [this link][doc] to see unsolved problems categorized via topic.


Most of the codes are written by the author. Due acknowledgement is given in case any part of program is copied from some source.