Jeremy Kauffman

Results 59 issues of Jeremy Kauffman

This is blocked by, but ought to be reported here since: - It will continue to get opened - Some small changes are likely required even once it is...

type: refactor
level: 3
priority: high

While sharing analytics with us would always be an optional part of running a instance, it would be good if by default instances shared some analytics data with...

needs: exploration
priority: medium

#921 resulted in a 524 being returned from Cloudflare while it was an active issue. We should have a max-execution time in code and not rely on Cloudflare.

priority: medium is not loading for me and returns a 524 from Cloudflare. The following was available in #speech-errors: ``` 'TypeError: Cannot read property \'updatedAt\' of null\n at /home/lbry/\n at tryCatch...

priority: medium

The default about page checked into the project should be a stub suitable for multisite installs. The about page should be a local page the same way it is...

area: docs
priority: high

In only the most eXXXtreme of circumstances should the URL not re-replicate the state of the application. Look at `history.replaceState` and/or `history.pushState`.

priority: low

Some sites will not want social links at all, or will not want some of the common ones. #608 and #617 also show adding additional social links is popular. The...

priority: low

Per @jsigwart, when we tag a file as a DMCA violation, the server needs to be restarted. This shouldn't be necessary.

priority: medium

Rather than considering me "signed in" to just one channel at a time, instead simply store all channels I've authenticated to. Then, have the drop-down in the top-right display all...

type: new feature
level: 3

Components like `` are sub-optimally named for a project intended to have many installs. In this instance, a name like `` would be better. This ticket should be considered complete...

priority: low