Kauê Murakami
Kauê Murakami
Hello @ElectraPort , of course we are open to contributions. You can fork it, create a branch and submit it for merge into develop, which I will recreate at this...
Everything ok, anything I'm here. I accepted your pull request and I'm working on a new approach that will be released this week, I'll let you know through this issue...
According to @Nipodemos' answer in this [issue](https://github.com/jonataslaw/getx/issues/514#issuecomment-682079037) "Just to add some context for people who might see this issue in the future: GetX by default doesn't let you go to...
are you referring to the dropdown button snippet?
Oh ok, I get it now and will work on it this week, thanks for contributing.
I can initialize getconnect's onInit in two ways. extending GetxService and using the``` init()``` implementation, injecting with ```dart await Get.putAsync(() => MyApi().init()); ``` and also with GetxService's ```onInit``` injecting ```dart...
Could you provide a minimum reproducible code? I already had this issue, I can help you.
``` Get.context```
in addition to the very helpful answer from @loic-hamdi you should make sure you are browsing with Get.to() at this point.
@a7mdragab @mehroze-zaidi It was a simple logic error, you must return false to "discard" willpop and use Get.back() to navigate backwards, it will not navigate to previous route if there...