Evgenij Ryazanov
Evgenij Ryazanov
`ISO_WEEK(dateTime)` is currently marked as compatibility only in H2, it should not be used in H2-specific code. Non-standard `ISO_WEEK` unit that can be used as `EXTRACT(ISO_WEEK FROM dateTime)` is officially...
MySQL and MariaDB allow such identifiers.
H2 1.4.200 has `EXECUTE IMMEDIATE`: https://h2database.com/html/commands.html#execute_immediate (and still doesn't have pure SQL procedures).
@ebocher Actually you aren't required to provide compatibility in this functionality. It may not work without AWT, it's OK. The problem was in introduced hard dependencies to unavailable on some...
I think existing issues with LOB storage backends need to be resolved first. And implementation of the new data type may not have any strong references to optional Java modules.
H2 does not use JTS for the `GEOMETRY` data type, so it doesn't matter what is supported by JTS and what is not. I thought about TWKB too, but it...
I don't know what `t.*` means here, but it doesn't look like valid SQL for almost all DBMS. There is no `JSON_BUILD_OBJECT` in H2, but H2 has standard-compliant `JSON_OBJECT` function....
You can use something like ```SQL SELECT JSON_OBJECT( 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': ( SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG( JSON_OBJECT('type': 'feature', 'geometry': GEOM, 'properties': JSON_OBJECT('id': ID, 'name': NAME))) FROM (VALUES (1, 'one', GEOMETRY 'POINT(1 1)'),...
I think you should change argument of this function from `Geometry` to `Value` to avoid expensive conversion to `Geometry` and back and use its `octetLength()` method. Nulls are passed as...
You can check its type by yourself and throw an exception if it isn't a geometry, or you can force conversion to `ValueGeometry`: ```Java return v == ValueNull.INSTANCE ? null...