Kayo Phoenix

Results 55 issues of Kayo Phoenix

> Compiling amd_pwsafe without flags... > building for ATI RV770 After 30 minutes I looked into amd-compiler process using gdb. ``` (gdb) backtrace #0 0x00007f7990990825 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libamdocl64.so...

Привет, Цель FlashAll приводит к ошибке: ``` kirsi@nixie:~/devel/esp8266ex/MinEspSDKLib$ make XTENSA_TOOLS_ROOT= ESPTOOL=esptool.py FlashAll make: *** No rule to make target 'bin/clear_eep.bin', needed by 'FlashAll'. Stop. ``` clear_eep.bin это есть чистый eeprom?

As I can see, you turned back to SDK 1.4.1. What are real reasons of this? In russian: Я вижу, что вы вернулись обратно к SDK 1.4.1. Каковы настоящие причины...

I need to track final dropping of `Database` object in `Arc`. In particular I need delete databases (i.e. by calling `Database::delete()`) which was removed by the application when all references...

Many ARM and MIPS-based 32-bit embedded platforms works natively faster with single precision floats and int32_t and much slower with 64-bit variants. I assume that it must be configurable depending...

As I understand morphorm currently lacks grid layout support. I tried to get grid-like behavior using stretch units but it doesn't works as I expect. Is any technique to emulate...

I would like to read internal `Vref` channel using DMA but seems currently I cannot enable aux channels on ADC1 via API. As a workaround I used dirty hack to...

I run ADC example on `stm32f103c8` but seems it does not works as expected. It just awaits infinitely here: https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy/blob/94586576a06cf5869d0cdea6d678a0448bb1fdf8/examples/stm32f1/src/bin/adc.rs#L26 GDB shows me that `wfe` instruction was executed last but...


Is there a way to passthrough environment variable GRADLE_OPTS from shell? Despite I set it like so: ``` export GRADLE_OPTS=$GRADLE_OPTS -Dorg.gradle.project.android.aapt2FromMavenOverride=/nix/store/ph0zds5iwn62jikimaqw5bd9mgyk4gvi-androidsdk/libexec/android-sdk/build-tools/30.0.2/aapt2 ``` (see https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/unstable/#notes-on-environment-variables-in-android-projects) Unfortunattely in gradlew this env var...