fedavg.pytorch copied to clipboard
A PyTorch implementation of "Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data", AISTATS, 2017
A PyTorch implementation of "Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data", AISTATS, 2017
MLP(Non-IID), E=1
the number of rounds of communication necessary to achieve a test-set accuracy of 97%.
original used SGD, but our experiments used SGD with momentum(0.9) and weight decay(0.00001). And our max epoch is 1000.
C | B=inf(original) | B=inf(our) | B=10(original) | B=10(our) |
0.0 | 4278 | not prepared | 3275 | - |
0.1 | 1796 | not prepared | 664 | - |
0.2 | 1528 | not prepared | 619 | not prepared |
0.5 | - | not prepared | 443 | 254 |
0.9 | - | not prepared | 380 | 154 |
CNN(Non-IID), E=5
the number of rounds of communication necessary to achieve a test-set accuracy of 99%.
original used SGD, but our experiments used SGD with momentum(0.9) and weight decay(0.00001). And our max epoch is 1000.
C | B=inf(original) | B=inf(our) | B=10(original) | B=10(our) |
0.0 | 1181 | not prepared | 956 | - |
0.1 | 1100 | not prepared | 206 | 580 |
0.2 | 978 | not prepared | 200 | not prepared |
0.5 | 1067 | not prepared | 261 | 146 |
0.9 | - | not prepared | 97 | 93 |
- Python 3.6.8+
- Numpy
- Pytorch 1.4.0+
- torchvision
- hydra-core
- tensorboard
Docker Environment
# build docker image
$ docker build -t fedavg --build-arg UID=`id -u` -f docker/Dockerfile .
# create docker container and login bash
$ docker run -it -v `pwd`:/work --gpus all --name fedavg-container fedavg
docker@4d69df209f4a:/work$ python train.py --help
# example
$ python train.py n_round=100 C=0.3
- [x] GPU training
- [ ] MultiProcessing Training
- [ ] add FedSGD
- [ ] CIFAR-10 experiment
- [ ] write original peformance
- [ ] compare with original results
Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data
Brendan McMahan, Eider Moore, Daniel Ramage, Seth Hampson, Blaise Aguera y Arcas
author = {Brendan McMahan and
Eider Moore and
Daniel Ramage and
Seth Hampson and
Blaise Ag{\"{u}}era y Arcas},
editor = {Aarti Singh and
Xiaojin (Jerry) Zhu},
title = {Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
and Statistics, {AISTATS} 2017, 20-22 April 2017, Fort Lauderdale,
FL, {USA}},
series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
volume = {54},
pages = {1273--1282},
publisher = {{PMLR}},
year = {2017},
url = {http://proceedings.mlr.press/v54/mcmahan17a.html},
timestamp = {Wed, 29 May 2019 08:41:44 +0200},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aistats/McMahanMRHA17.bib},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}