wavesurfer.js copied to clipboard
Is a region loop pausing at every repeat on iOS normal?
Wavesurfer.js version(s):
Browser and operating system version(s):
Mobile Safari iPhone 11 SE Chrome iPhone 11 SE
Code needed to reproduce the issue:
Here's the editable codepen: https://codepen.io/swampthang/pen/OJZNzMb?editors=1010 Here's the fullpage version for testing on iOS: https://codepen.io/swampthang/full/OJZNzMb
Use behavior needed to reproduce the issue:
- Tap the PLAY/PAUSE button to start the loop and let it repeat a few times.
On my phone as well as my iPad, when the loop repeat starts each time, there's a seriously noticeable pause before the loop starts.
I've searched here and the web for a possible solution but not seeing much with any promise. Hoping someone here might know of a workaround.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Is there anyone else who has dealt with this issue?
Here's a codepen using howler that contains the same loop and the same loop end point. It works as expected in both iOS and desktop. I'd much rather use wavesurfer. Really hoping this can be resolved. I've tried to dig in and see where the issue lies. https://codepen.io/swampthang/pen/rNvYOZY/b67ecff1ef4ea03b2b7eeb19eb3f7754
Anyone? Bueller?