Katrin Leinweber
Katrin Leinweber
Yes, generally worth a thought! Other Python-specific IDEs as well \*cough\* PyCharm 🤓 We could leap-frog Jupyter notebooks. However, [Spyder is only mentioned at all in episode 01 (see #32)](https://github.com/LibraryCarpentry/lc-python-intro/pull/32/commits1c0bd13a663e514a679e4faff8eb40149b4ca8b4#diff-c9b44682315977508b0b82f6b5b30071)...
Hello @gamecock, could you please post your `sessionInfo()` output? I'm not sure why you are seeing this different behavior. Here's mine: ```{r} R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit) Running...
Thank you. The easiest possible culprit to exclude is your R v3.4.3 (although there should have been other users noticing this problem then). Can you [try upgrading to 3.5.x from...
> … isn't the expected result that if you try to compare two large numbers beyond the size of an Integer you lose precision? Ah, no I see what you...
+1 for the 2nd option.
Hi @beansprout! We're the R track here ;-) Please have a look at [exercism/javascript/search?q=grains](https://github.com/exercism/javascript/search?q=grains+is%3Aissue&type=Issues) & maybe move your issue / comment there. Cheers!
Hard-coding desired arguments is possibe [like this](https://github.com/katrinleinweber/git-grab/compare/wezm%3Agit-grab%3Amain...hard-code-clone-options). Cloning this repo with that build yields: ```shell $ git-grab github.com/ckuhtz/git-grab $ cd ~/src/github.com/ckuhtz/git-grab $ du -sh && git log --oneline 236K ....
Has there been any consideration about sending the here-implemented ScholarlyMarkdown support upstream? There has been [no discussion so far in the pandoc issue tracker](https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/search?q=%22ScholarlyMarkdown%22&unscoped_q=%22ScholarlyMarkdown%22&type=Issues).
Hello, and thanks for this initiative :-) I can't contribute 8h, but about a 16th of that: [Knowledge Communication? Back to the Ears!](http://www.konscience.de/2015/01/ksl000-knowledge-communication-back-to-the-ears/) ;-) > [...] introduces concepts and advantages...
If you use my recording and/or notes and find them helpful, please do list me. It's all [CC-BY](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) ;-)