We would Love this on our non-profit site, thank you
I have not continued developing the rails-stripe-membership-sass app .. I have shifted to our private app development. I have added the gift subscription addition to our Trello Card system .....
Sorry about that cash-register-sound-effect not working. Here is it on the net: https://www.freesoundslibrary.com/cash-register-sound-effect/#google_vignette Cash Register Sound Effect | Game and Interface Sounds freesoundslibrary.com > On Dec 7, 2022, at 9:26...
@lgs @archonic @DanielKehoe @tmock12 The single finest answer to these questions rests here [Rails Environmental Variables](http://railsapps.github.io/rails-environment-variables.html) authored by Taylor Mock and Daniel Kehoe, last updated 20121215. Also, I will share...
@lgs @archonic @DanielKehoe @tmock12 The two tests I mentioned are located here : https://github.com/kathyonu/rails-stripe-membership-saas/blob/testsformaster/spec/stripe/stripe_config_spec.rb Please do note this is the testsformaster branch of my fork of the app. This branch...
@lgs many welcomes @DanielKehoe i do believe this is my first +1, and have no clue what the full import of that is, butt-ha, i sure Love the idea of...
Updated Instructions : New branch with new tests : Please see [PR Testsformaster #150](https://github.com/RailsApps/rails-stripe-membership-saas/pull/150) . I invite you to pull this branch into your working app, and take it for...
@nikolay12 , reduce your padding .. try 2px and see how it looks. also, if you are using Firefox, click on Tools at the top, then Web Developer, then Web...
With this search phrase at startpage.com http://startpage.com/ : No Rakefile found (looking for: rakefile, Rakefile, rakefile.rb, Rakefile.rb) I found this answer : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18452701/ruby-on-rails-no-rakefile-found-error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18452701/ruby-on-rails-no-rakefile-found-error Also, make sure you are running...