Vassil Kateliev
Vassil Kateliev
Now that the TR core is refactored and reorganized, it is time to revisit TR proxy code and polish it.
Modify existing TR Anchor panel so that it works with multiple glyphs or create TR Anchor Manager (as planned long ago)
Find a solution for grouping/ungrouping. Currently only _ungroup all_ is implemented. Possible implementation in _Elements panel_.
Find a solution for misinterpreted node selections of recurring elements in single glyph. Now if there are multiple instances of the same element in glyph, only the _first?_ nodes of...
Element outline hot swapping so that existing references are not broken. Possible implementation in _Elements panel_.
Investigate Element grouping/un-grouping. Enhance _Elements panel_ so that it shows all elements in current (or all layers) and allows operations with them the same way as _Layers panel_ does.
Investigate a possibility to create glyph.fromJSON(), glyph.toJSON() via Adam's Automator module.
What: Place hinting links on all layers simultaneously for the selected node pair! Depends: On links being available in the PyAPI - currently they are not!
After todays build i realized that some updates to our tools as well as making some simple ones will do us good. ##To do: **Preflight tool:** - [x] Add `.loclBGR`...
Reimplement the TR and FL undo. _Long overdue..._ Guidelines and remarks as discussed with Yury over private chat : - also, for many operations you need to undo several objects...