Katarina Supe
Katarina Supe
Property can be list, set and tuple in node or relationship property type in the class definition. Add ndarray support.
Add a new query in the query builder - `ANALYZE GRAPH;` -> https://memgraph.com/docs/memgraph/reference-guide/analyze-graph
Add a new query to the query builder: `STORAGE MODE IN_MEMORY_{TRANSACTIONAL|ANALYTICAL};` `STORAGE MODE ON_DISK_TRANSACTIONAL` -> https://memgraph.com/docs/memgraph/reference-guide/storage-modes
Add the following queries to the query builder: - `SHOW TRANSACTIONS;` -> https://memgraph.com/docs/memgraph/reference-guide/transactions#show-transactions - `TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS "tid", "", "", ... ;` -> https://memgraph.com/docs/memgraph/reference-guide/transactions#terminate-transactions
Below should work: ``` Python: `match().node(variable='n').to().node(variable='m').where(item='n.name', operator=Operator.IS_NOT_NULL).return_()` Cypher: `MATCH (n)-[]->(m) WHERE n.name IS NOT NULL RETURN *;` ``` Currently, there is no operator IS_NOT_NULL in Operator Enum and where() necessarily...
We have both export and **importing** modules in our codebase. If we were to change any parts of our API, this should be updated too, to export and **import** module....