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[BUG/FUTURE] add custom IsDestType in RegisterDependency

Open RelicOfTesla opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

	hasPanic := false
	app.ConfigureContainer(func(container *router.APIContainer) {
		defer func() {
			if e := recover(); e != nil {
				hasPanic = true
		type good_willInitPanic struct {
		container.Handle(http.MethodGet, "/struct1", func(good_willInitPanic) string {
			return "1"
	require.True(t, hasPanic)

	called := 0
	hasPanic = false
	app.ConfigureContainer(func(container *router.APIContainer) {
		type bad_IWillInitPanic struct {
			Handle: func(ctx *context.Context, input *hero.Input) (reflect.Value, error) {
				return reflect.Value{}, hero.ErrSeeOther
			DestType: nil,
				// todo: your can add field IsDestType
				IsDestType : func(input *hero.Input) bool{
					return input.Type == reflect.TypeOf(bad_IWillInitPanic{})
					|| or other logic: example isEmbedsType(input.Type, xxx)
					|| or index check
					|| or replace hero matchDependency()
		defer func() {
			if e := recover(); e != nil {
				hasPanic = true
		container.Handle(http.MethodGet, "/struct2", func(bad_IWillInitPanic) string {
			return "2"
	require.True(t, hasPanic) // not support

	go (func() {
		time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
		http.Get("") // bad function: only find error when request it.
	if err := app.Listen(":8080"); err != nil {

RelicOfTesla avatar Feb 03 '22 08:02 RelicOfTesla

Hello @RelicOfTesla,

I've pushed a commit which does that and more. Now you have the option to change the default way of how "matchDependency" behaves with two ways:

  1. In API DI Container, so all dependencies share the same "matchDependency" using the container.SetDependencyMatcher(func(d *hero.Dependnecy, in reflect.Type) bool{...})
  2. At Dependency-level itself by &hero.Dependency { Match: func(in reflect.Type) bool {...}, ...}

Take a look and share your feedbad, don't hesitate to ask more!

kataras avatar Mar 01 '22 19:03 kataras

Thanks. In addition, it is recommended to use “hero.input” as the parameter of match, so that the Parameter sequence index bind may be controlled in the future. Or it can carry “Route“ and more in “hero.input“ for more complex context control in the future. Although I don't need such advanced functions for the time being. :)

RelicOfTesla avatar Mar 02 '22 18:03 RelicOfTesla

[bug] old source code panic when RegisterDependency(&hero.Dependency{ /Match : nil/, ...... })

RelicOfTesla avatar Mar 03 '22 08:03 RelicOfTesla

Hello @RelicOfTesla, why do you manually construct a &hero.Dependency? I can't control the parameters there. You should just use RegisterDependency(customStructValueOrFunctionHere).

kataras avatar Mar 12 '22 10:03 kataras