build-a-better-web-together icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
build-a-better-web-together copied to clipboard

Deprecated. Moved to and

Please navigate to GitHub Wiki for the complete documentation of the Iris latest stable release. This page is currently under construction.

What is Iris

Iris is a free, open-source Go web framework, created by Gerasimos Maropoulos and intended for the development of modern web applications.

Iris helps back-end developers to quickly create extremely fast web applications in Go with minimal effort.

Iris is the only one Go module with first-class support to develop web applications following the model-view-controller MVC architectural pattern.

Iris can be used as a web port for gRPC. REST API for gRPC services.

The source code of Iris is hosted on GitHub and licensed under the terms of BSD 3-clause License, like the Go project itself.