CPAlertViewController icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CPAlertViewController copied to clipboard

A way to create a custom alert view with animation.


A way to create a custom alert view with animation. Easy custom any other alert view based on CPAlertVC.swift and xib.


  • Default alert

let alertVC = CPAlertVC(title: "Normal Alert", message: "Normal alert will have only one button.") self)

  • Alert with action

let alertVC = CPAlertVC(title: "Action Alert", message: "You can add your action to two buttons below. By default: Cancel button will dismiss alert.")

alertVC.addAction(CPAlertAction(title: "OK", type: .normal, handler: {
    print("Tapped OK button")

alertVC.addAction(CPAlertAction(title: "CANCEL", type: .cancel, handler: {
    print("Tapped Cancel button")
})) self)
  • Alert with other animation

/** Animation Type

  Just added animationType in config() function


let alertVC = CPAlertVC(title: "Rotate Animation", message: "Rotate ~90 degrees = 1.5 rad (1 rad = 57 degrees), you can change it in CPAlertVC.swift.", animationType: .rotate) self)

/** Customize style
    |                    |           |
    | Properties         |  Default  |
    |                    |           |
    | backgroundOpacity  |    0.5    |
    | backgroundColor    |    black  |
    | animateDuration    |    0.5    |
    |                    |           |
    | scaleX             |    0.3    |
    | scaleY             |    1.5    |
    |                    |           |
    | rotateRadian       |    1.5    |
    | springWithDamping  |    0.7    |
    | delay              |    0      |

let alertVC = CPAlertVC(title: "Bounce Up Animation", message: "Animating alert from bottom view to top view", animationType: .bounceUp)
alertVC.springWithDamping = 0.75
alertVC.animateDuration = 0.5 self)



CPAlertViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.