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Race condition when used with Faker
Good work overall with the Oaken. Although I am sure I am using it in a twisted way, but this Code results in a race condition:
# Create some users and asooociated articles
require "faker"
puts "Creating users..."
20.times do |i|
puts "Creating user #{i + 1}"
email: Faker::Internet.unique.email,
name: Faker::Name.unique.name[0..20],
bio: Faker::Lorem.paragraph[0..200],
last_sign_in_at: Time.zone.now,
slug: Faker::Internet.unique.slug[0..20],
confirmed: true,
featured: false,
avatar: Rails.root.join("spec", "fixtures", "files", "avatar-#{rand(1..6)}.jpeg").open
When I read the code I realized I am using it wrong. But just in case this helps with the development, the error is with the file uploading, it randomly miss uploading files with active_storage in local development. Resulting in:
web | ActiveStorage::FileNotFoundError (ActiveStorage::FileNotFoundError):
web |
web | Causes:
web | Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen