euclidthegame copied to clipboard
return score-model
why remove top10?
The old scoring system was time based. The new scoring system isn't time based anymore. Therefore the old highscore doesn't make sense anymore.
I will add a new top 10 if I know the minimal number of moves of all levels using primitive moves only.
but it is not interesting. and i is first in old top10(>26k score)
@nubideus hm.. I could make a new mode, called time-attack, and there people can still compete with the time based system
Yeah, I'm wondering what other methods of scoring are possible. Minimum number of moves is a limited scale. At least with the time seed, you had individual scores that varied wildly but still remained competitive. Perhaps, adding a points system to each tool and step based on progress made.
@nubideus How did you do Level 25 in 10 moves btw ? :P I just see your score
@leftysrevenge "Perhaps, adding a points system to each tool and step based on progress made." Not sure what you mean with this.
Assigning a value to each tool, including intersects and valid points placements. Since we're going for efficiency, you can have one scoreboard for lowest score. The important thing is to not negate people's creativity in devising solutions. So while there may be a prime solution with fewest tools/steps/points, there may be many correct possibilities. The key is finding a good scale system for the points so that each tool weighs accordingly depending on how it's used (perhaps based on number of moves/steps it replaces, or the complexity of its math).
Just shooting into the wind with ideas.
@nubideus Very clever. How did you know that point F would provide H, I and G?