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Application for Xiaomi Smart Camera Standard Edition (MJSXJ02HL) with RTSP and MQTT support.

MJSXJ02HL application


Application for Xiaomi Smart Camera Standard Edition (MJSXJ02HL) with RTSP and MQTT support. It is used in a custom firmware.


  1. Install Hi3518Ev300 toolchain:
tar -zxf arm-himix100-linux.tgz
sudo ./arm-himix100-linux.install
  1. Copy the libraries from directory /usr/app/lib of the original firmware to directory /opt/hisi-linux/x86-arm/arm-himix100-linux/target/usr/app/lib.

  2. Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/kasitoru/mjsxj02hl_application
cd mjsxj02hl_application
  1. Changing the permissions for the folder /opt/hisi-linux/x86-arm/arm-himix100-linux/target/usr/app/lib:
sudo chmod 755 /opt/hisi-linux/x86-arm/arm-himix100-linux/target/usr/app/lib
  1. Update submodules (optional):
make update-libs
  1. Build application:

To save time, you can disable the build of external libraries:


...and skip step №5.


Default config /usr/app/share/mjsxj02hl.conf:

name = My Camera               ; Device name
led = true                     ; Enable onboard LED indicator

level = 2                      ; Log level (0 = disable, 1 = error, 2 = warning, 3 = info, 4 = debug)
file =                         ; Write log to file (empty for disable)

enable = false                 ; Enable On-Screen Display (OSD)
oemlogo = true                 ; Display OEM logo (MI)
oemlogo_x = 2                  ; X position of the OEM logo
oemlogo_y = 0                  ; Y position of the OEM logo
oemlogo_size = 0               ; Size of the OEM logo (can take negative values)
datetime = true                ; Display date and time
datetime_x = 48                ; X position of the date and time
datetime_y = 0                 ; Y position of the date and time
datetime_size = 0              ; Size of the date and time (can take negative values)
motion = false                 ; Display detected motions in rectangles
humanoid = false               ; Display detected humanoids in rectangles

gop = 1                        ; Group of pictures (GOP) every N*FPS (20)
flip = false                   ; Flip image (all channels)
mirror = false                 ; Mirror image (all channels)
primary_type = 1               ; Video compression standard for primary channel (1 = h264, 2 = h265)
secondary_type = 1             ; Video compression standard for secondary channel (1 = h264, 2 = h265)
primary_bitrate = 1800         ; Bitrate for primary channel
secondary_bitrate = 900        ; Bitrate for secondary channel
primary_rcmode = 2             ; Rate control mode for primary channel (0 = constant bitrate, 1 = constant quality, 2 = variable bitrate)
secondary_rcmode = 2           ; Rate control mode for secondary channel (0 = constant bitrate, 1 = constant quality, 2 = variable bitrate)

volume = 70                    ; Audio volume level (0-100)
primary_enable = true          ; Enable audio for primary channel
secondary_enable = true        ; Enable audio for secondary channel

volume = 70                    ; Speaker volume level (0-100)
type = 1                       ; Default file format (1 = PCM, 2 = G711)

motion_sens = 150              ; Motion sensitivity (1-255)
humanoid_sens = 150            ; Humanoid sensitivity (1-255)
motion_timeout = 60            ; Motion timeout (in seconds)
humanoid_timeout = 60          ; Humanoid timeout (in seconds)
motion_detect_exec =           ; Execute the command when motion is detected (empty for disable)
humanoid_detect_exec =         ; Execute the command when humanoid is detected (empty for disable)
motion_lost_exec =             ; Execute the command when motion is lost (empty for disable)
humanoid_lost_exec =           ; Execute the command when humanoid is lost (empty for disable)

enable = true                  ; Enable RTSP server
port = 554                     ; Port number
username =                     ; Username (empty for disable)
password =                     ; Password
primary_name = primary         ; Name of the primary channel
secondary_name = secondary     ; Name of the secondary channel
primary_multicast = false      ; Use multicast for primary channel
secondary_multicast = false    ; Use multicast for secondary channel
primary_split_vframes = true   ; Split video frames into separate packets for primary channel
secondary_split_vframes = true ; Split video frames into separate packets for secondary channel

enable = false                 ; Enable MQTT client
server =                       ; Server address
port = 1883                    ; Port number
username =                     ; Username (empty for anonimous)
password =                     ; Password (empty for disable)
topic = mjsxj02hl              ; Name of the root topic
qos = 1                        ; Quality of Service (0, 1 or 2)
retain = true                  ; Retained messages
reconnection_interval = 60     ; Reconnection interval (in seconds)
periodical_interval = 60       ; Interval of periodic message (in seconds)
discovery = homeassistant      ; Discovery prefix (https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/mqtt/discovery/#discovery-topic)

mode = 2                       ; Night mode (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = auto)
gray = 2                       ; Grayscale (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = auto)


mjsxj02hl [<action> [options...]]

Running without arguments starts the main thread of the application.

--config <filename> Specify the location of the configuration file for the main thread of application.

--factory-reset Reset device settings to default values. Attention: this action cannot be undone!

--get-image <filename> Output the camera image to a file. Requires a running main thread of mjsxj02hl application.

--help Display help message.


Network URL: rtsp://[<rtsp_user>:<rtsp_password>@]<ip-address>:<port>/<channel_name>

Example: rtsp:// or rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/secondary


<root_topic>: The value is set in the settings file (section: mqtt, name: topic). It is recommended to use the same value for all devices.

<device_name>: Value based on a parameter in the settings file (section: general, name: name). It is converted to lowercase, all characters except letters and numbers are cut off, spaces are replaced with underscores.

Input topics

Topic: <root_topic>/<device_name>/cmd

Execute the specified command on the device.

Command Parameters Description Example payload
get_image filename (string) Save the image to the specified file (JPEG, 640x360). { "action": "get_image", "filename": "/mnt/mmc/image.jpg" }
set_volume value (integer) Set volume level for speaker (0-100). { "action": "set_volume", "value": 100 }
play_media filename (string), type (string, optional), volume (integer, optional) Play the specified media file. Two types are supported: "pcm" (WAV, 8000 hz, 16-bit, mono) and "g711" (A-Law, 8000 hz, 16-bit, mono). { "action": "play_media", "filename": "/mnt/mmc/media.wav", "type": "pcm", "volume": 75 }
stop_media Stop current playback. { "action": "stop_media" }
restart Restart the main thread of mjsxj02hl application { "action": "restart" }
reboot Reboot the device. { "action": "reboot" }

Output topics

Topic: <root_topic>/<device_name>/status

This is a topic where availability status of the device is published (online or offline).

Topic: <root_topic>/<device_name>/info

This is a topic where general device state is published.

Field Description
fw_version Version of the firmware.
ip_address IP address of the device.
total_ram The total size of RAM.
free_ram The size of the free RAM.
total_sdmem The total size of SD-card.
free_sdmem The size of free space on the SD-card.
total_configs Total size of the configs partition.
free_configs The size of free space on the configs partition.
volume_level Current volume level of the speaker.
media_status Playback status (0 = stopped, 1 = playing, 2 = stopping).
image_url URL address of the JPEG image from the camera.

Topic: <root_topic>/<device_name>/alarm

This is a topic where motion detection events is published.

Field Description
motion Motion detection state.
humanoid Humanoid detection state.

Topic: <root_topic>/<device_name>/night

This is a topic where the state of night mode is published.

Field Description
state Night mode state.
gray Grayscale state.

Third-party libraries

  • yyjson: https://github.com/ibireme/yyjson
  • inih: https://github.com/benhoyt/inih
  • paho.mqtt.c: https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.c
  • RtspServer: https://github.com/PHZ76/RtspServer