SaveMe copied to clipboard
Grab Device ECID, ApNonce, BoardConfig and iPhoneID from device and grab signed SHSH via TSSChecker
Windows version now includes latest tsschecker with A14 support from here: macOS version is still outdated at the time of writing.
UPDATE v1.3 (Windows) - SaveMe The Easiest SHSH saver for macOS and Windows!
- New Features
- Fetches device info and saves it to a cached device list
- Set version to save ticket for saving
- Allows setting path for saving tickets too
- Print Cached Devices
- Print currently signed firmwares
- Specify a generator, must be already set on device! (expects unc0ver's 0x1111111111111111)
- Save currently signed firmwares from cached device list! (device does not need to be connected)
- Dump ticket from iOS device (requires device to be jailbroken)
- Planned Features
- Print currently signed BETA iOS versions
- Add ticket checking with imgtool4
- Add FutureRestore support automating restoring if device is connected and SHSH2 file exists!
- IPSW downloader for device when connected (and arg set)
- Downloading of SEP and BBFW (if needed) for FutureRestore restores
- Tested
- iPhone11,2
- iPad7,3
- AppleTV 4K
Video Demo link (
Compiled win64 bins
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- (
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Uses the following tools
- libimobiledevice - ideviceenterrecovery, ideviceinfo, irecovery
- tsschecker (macOS) and (Windows)