Katarzyna Marek
Katarzyna Marek
> You'd get those through [BSP Test Report messages](https://build-server-protocol.github.io/docs/specification#testfinish). Oh, yes, that should in theory work. But besides the inability to run only test selection there seem to be other...
Thanks for the report. This does look like a problem with Java semanticdb compiler plugin. Would you be able to provide a reproduction of the issue? You could also try...
Even with the snipped provided I cannot reproduce this issue but checking for a null can't hurt.
Thanks for creating the reproduction that and generally taking the time to dig into this problem. With the reproduction it should be much easier to fix the issue.
It looks like your `JAVA_HOME` is a path to a java executable not a Java home directory as we expect.
Does this issue persist?
As @tgodzik wrote, go to definition is blocked on https://github.com/scala/scala3/issues/13135. When it comes to hover, it's probably up for discussion what should be shown here, but this is what the...
It does seem we are looking for `gradlew` in the `workspace` root where we should be looking for it in the `project root`. Do those things differ in your setup...
@gersonsosa you can check if https://github.com/scalameta/metals/pull/6428 helps with your issue.
Thanks for the report. Which Scala version are you using? Side note: if you are using `VS Code`, you can click on `Open a GitHub issue` in the help and...