Karuppiah Natarajan

Results 227 comments of Karuppiah Natarajan

@jdolitsky I noticed here that we are using names that are confusing https://github.com/chartmuseum/helm-push/blob/master/cmd/helmpush/main_test.go#L168 https://github.com/chartmuseum/helm-push/blob/master/cmd/helmpush/main_test.go#L174 Can we use better names? Say, "client ca" when it's actually a client CA and Client...

Currently it's mixed up - the name looks like it's based on where the item is present, or where the item is being sent to / who it is checked...

I had an alternate idea (or extra step) too for this - instead of uploading the chart and letting server throw the error, first use `HEAD` request and get chart...

@alexandrevilain Thanks! I was having the same use case but we handled it in the bash script but yeah, I think the tool can help with this :)

This would be an interesting investigation! 😄

Personally I have seen more speed when using more CPU and RAM - this is based on experience from [TCE](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/community-edition/) when running E2E tests for Docker clusters (CAPD). For other...

Should we run these tests for every push? Just to see how the numbers are? Hmm

Info - https://github.com/karuppiah7890/issues-info/tree/main/karuppiah7890/helm-schema-gen/7

The numbers look sensible for a tool that executes one time and then stops in a glimpse. I'm still going to check where the memory and CPU is used for...

@sfxworks I didn't get the issue. Do you mean that when the `values.yaml` contains the character `ÿ` in the value part (in the start or anywhere) then there's some issue?...