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grade an English essay


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An Automated Essay Grader,which scores student essays based on the following features: * Spellings * Structure and Grammar * Language flow - Coherence * Statistics of the Essay.

AEG is an engine which automatically grades an English essay based on: Essay Statistics, Spelling, Grammar, Coherence, Frequent Phrases and Vocabulary. The techniques employed to achieve this encompass, not only a vast area of computer science, but also some ‘abstract aspects’ of the English language and grammar; the subtle points such as the deviation from the central topic, structure of the sentences, etc., that help determine the qualities of a good essay. We have developed our own concept of Conceptual Word Graph and designed an algorithm to analyse the Essay Coherence without a corpus.

The whole system is modelled using Modular approach.

* Input:
	1. The input should be in the text file format
	2. The input file should contain:
		a. The topic of the essay.
		b. The essay itself.
	3. The topic should be the first paragraph of the file.
	4. The topic and the essay should be separated by a blank line.

* Assumptions:
	1. The essays will be in “simple” format - without any bullets and numbering.
	2. The paragraphs in the essay, if it contains multiple paragraphs, will be separated by a blank line.
	3. The essay will be on the lines of GRE/GMAT essays.

* Output
	1. A report with scores for individual parameters based on which the essay was graded.
	2. An overall score computed by taking the weighted mean of individual scores.
	3. A statistical report on the number of lines, words, paragraphs, average length of sentences, difference in length between the longest and the shortest sentence, etc.
	* Report is an html file.

SETUP: 1) Install Link Parser, python interpreter and the required python libraries. (see next section) 2) change the current working directory to AEG. 3) run the script --> $ python

* the generated report will be an html file with the same name as that of the input file in Reports directory.

DEPENDENCIES: * Platform: Linux Kernel 3.0 and above.

* Link Parser -

* Python and Libraries
	1) Python 2.7 -
	2) Python bindings for Link Grammar Parser - Pylinkgrammar 0.1.20 -
	3) A Spell-Checking Library for Python - Pyenchant -
	4a) Natural Language Toolkit -
	4b) nltk.corpus -> wordnet and stopwords
	5) PyYAML -
	6) NetworkX -
	7) GNUPlot -

REFERENCES: [1] Page, E., Shermis, M. D., Lavoie, M. J., Marsiglio, C. C., Kock, M. M., Fogel, M. (1995). Computer Grading of Essays. Address for APA Annual Meeting. Available at ""

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