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This is the Alpha version (v0) of Karte von morgen. Please contribute to our new project in TypeScript (v1) https://github.com/kartevonmorgen/kartevonmorgenssr

Results 108 kartevonmorgen issues
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Make the Field "organizer" as a searchbox, where you need to find a project on the map which is running the event. the Event then is linked to the chosen...

12 low-priority

The fuction to show a network (like suppliers, customers, branches etc.) and Tours (Consumercritical citiy-Tours, Bycicle-Trips like "Ideen refahren" and Forest walks) is quite simple, and more ore less the...

Logos tend to get cropped if they aren't square. This should not happen, instead the height should be reduced.

In case anyone sends me the original image files (PSDs?) I could provide a pull request.

> Master-slave is an oppressive metaphor that will and should never become fully detached from history. Aside from being unprofessional and oppressive it stifles participation according to Eglash: “If the...

I could imagine the following could be interesting for a lot of organizations (maybe it is just me though): 1. Make it possible to easily configure custom categories based on...

Right now the README only targets developers. It should be improved with a guide showing how to set up a production installation of the front end and some notes on...

We need a short descritipion field for every language. If we start mapping in Minsk most of the organizations are only relvenat for belarus, where knowbody needs to understand the...

0 DB

When searching for something like USA on the map the zoom factor is too close and does not show the whole country. Maybe use bounding boxes - #719 (haven't checked...

We are currently trying to add our tag to any entity relevant to us. This could be greatly improved by allowing some kind of bulk tagging. Select multiple items on...