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ResourceInterpreterCustomization: support multiple per Kind and operation
Currently, the logic prevents having two ResourceInterpreterCustomization for the same target Kind.
Take the scenario below:
- One ResourceInterpreterCustomization that ignores tls.crt from secrets
- Another ResourceInterpreterCustomization that ignores service-account-data information
Note that they're both operation retention
and target.Kind: Secret
apiVersion: config.karmada.io/v1alpha1
kind: ResourceInterpreterCustomization
name: retain-duplicate-secret-tls-data
function Retain(desiredObj, observedObj)
if desiredObj.data ~= nil then
if desiredObj.data["tls.crt"] ~= nil then
desiredObj.data = observedObj.data
return desiredObj
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
apiVersion: config.karmada.io/v1alpha1
kind: ResourceInterpreterCustomization
name: retain-service-account-token
luaScript: |
function Retain(desiredObj, observedObj)
if desiredObj.type == "kubernetes.io/service-account-token" then
desiredObj.data = observedObj.data
return desiredObj
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
This results in error:
resourceinterpretercustomization.config.karmada.io/retain-duplicate-secret-tls-data serverside-applied
Error from server (Forbidden): admission webhook "resourceinterpretercustomization.karmada.io" denied the request: conflicting with InterpreterOperation(Retain) of existing ResourceInterpreterCustomization(retain-duplicate-secret-tls-data)
What would you like to be added:
Ability to support multiple ResourceInterpreterCustomization for same kind and operation.
Why is this needed: This allows for smaller lua scripts per ResourceInterpreterCustomization
Code path that enforces one per kind/operation: https://github.com/karmada-io/karmada/blob/master/pkg/webhook/resourceinterpretercustomization/helper.go#L29C67-L46
If the same kind supports multiple ResourceInterpreterCustomization configurations, the execution sequence may affect the final result. What do you think about this?
Invite @chaunceyjiang to have a look.
We could start with "sort ResourceInterpreterCustomization by name", but something like priority
could eventually be added. Worst case we could also do "these will execute in a random order make sure your ResourceInterpreterCustomization do not conflict."
If the same kind supports multiple ResourceInterpreterCustomization configurations, the execution sequence may affect the final result.
Yes, the reason we introduce this constraint is that if multiple operations perform mutually exclusive modifications to the same resource, the resulting state may be unpredictable.
apiVersion: config.karmada.io/v1alpha1
kind: ResourceInterpreterCustomization
name: retain-data
luaScript: |
function Retain(desiredObj, observedObj)
# A || B , priority A > B
# rule A
if desiredObj.data ~= nil then
if desiredObj.data["tls.crt"] ~= nil then
desiredObj.data = observedObj.data
return desiredObj
# rule B
if desiredObj.type == "kubernetes.io/service-account-token" then
desiredObj.data = observedObj.data
return desiredObj
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
An optional way to do this is to make one single ResourceInterpreterCustomization more complex to support multiple operations. Or perhaps introduce a configuration policy to manage the ResourceInterpreterCustomization.
An optional way to do this is to make one single ResourceInterpreterCustomization more complex to support multiple operations. Or perhaps introduce a configuration policy to manage the ResourceInterpreterCustomization.
Hi @yike21 Does Lua support this?
We could start with "sort ResourceInterpreterCustomization by name",
The problem may still exist. For example, if resource a
and resource c
exist and resource b
is inserted, the effect of resource c
may overwrite that of resource b
but something like priority could eventually be added.
Introducing priority maybe possible, but will the management of priority bring new complexity to users? For example, user b
does not know what ResourceInterpreterCustomization resources user a
has created.
Worst case we could also do "these will execute in a random order make sure your ResourceInterpreterCustomization do not conflict."
Wouldn't random solve the problem of the effect being overwritten?
Wouldn't random solve the problem of the effect being overwritten?
Can you elaborate on this benefit, or what's delicious in addition to this benefit.
Hi @yike21 Does Lua support this?
We can write some logic in lua to make the operation return early (this is not flexible), for example:
luaScript: |
# A || B || C, priority A > B > C, only math one
function Retain(desiredObj, observedObj)
# rule A
if desiredObj.data ~= nil then ## match rule A
if desiredObj.data["tls.crt"] ~= nil then
desiredObj.data = observedObj.data
return desiredObj ## just return
# rule B
if desiredObj.type == "kubernetes.io/service-account-token" then ## match rule B
desiredObj.data = observedObj.data
return desiredObj ## just return
# rule C
if desiredObj.type match rule C then ## match rule C
desiredObj.data = observedObj.data
return desiredObj ## just return
return desiredObj ## return here
And Lua doesn't support configuration policy.
Ok @yike21 Thanks
I understand that this is actually a requirement for users. After all, lua scripts are written by users.
That is what we ended up doing (putting everything in one and using conditional statement), but as mentioned in the Issue, it would be nice to split it up to separate the logic.
Ask @RainbowMango to help take a look.
Before talking about how to
, I want to know why to do so.
What's the pain point for now? Do not want to write and maintain a large configuration?
What's the pain point for now?
In the example given in the Issue, we have to add bunch of conditional statements to switch based on secret type to retain respective fields.
Do not want to write and maintain a large configuration?
That's exactly correct.
Yeah, I can tell the conditional statements from the example yaml above mentioned by @yike21.
But even split them into several ResourceInterpreterCustomizations, you still need to maintain these statements, in addition, you have to manage the activation order. Is it worth doing that?