grunt-karma copied to clipboard
Socket hang up error when trying to run in background via grunt watch
I'm trying to setup continuous testing using grunt-watch but keep getting an error 'Socket hung up'
my grunt config for karma:
karma: {
options: {
basePath: '',
autoWatch: false,
colors: true,
frameworks: ['mocha', 'chai'],
logLevel: 'DEBUG',
port: 9876,
browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
singleRun: true
dev: {
options: {
port: 9877,
background: true,
singleRun: false
browsers: ['Chrome'],
files: {
src: [
preprocessors: {
'test/mocha/fixtures/**/*.fixture.html': ['html2js']
reporters: ['nyan']
my grunt watch task
karma: {
files: ['src/js/module/**/*.js', 'test/mocha/**/*.spec.js'],
tasks: ['karma:dev:run']
I test by running grunt karma:dev:start watch:karma
I can see the process running and blocking.
If I then edit a file it runs the karma:dev:run
task but this throws an error:
$ grunt karma:dev:start watch:karma
Running "karma:dev:start" (karma) task
Running "watch:karma" (watch) task
>> File "test/mocha/calculator.spec.js" changed.
Running "karma:dev:run" (karma) task
[2015-04-16 16:39:39.040] [DEBUG] config - No config file specified.
>> Error
Fatal error: socket hang up
using grunt-karma 0.10.1 and karma 0.12.31 and grunt-watch 0.6.1
I'm experiencing the same thing.
31 07 2015 16:58:00.937:WARN [proxy]: failed to proxy /w/load.php?modules=jquery%2Cmediawiki&only=scriptsversion=woIh%2FgTQ
(socket hang up)
31 07 2015 16:58:00.937:WARN [proxy]: failed to proxy /w/load.php?modules=jquery%2Cmediawiki&only=scriptsversion=woIh%2FgTQ
(socket hang up)
31 07 2015 16:58:00.937:WARN [proxy]: failed to proxy /w/load.php?modules=jquery%2Cmediawiki&only=scriptsversion=woIh%2FgTQ
(socket hang up)
karma: {
options: {
proxies: { "/w": "" }
Hi @Krinkle, I know this is an old thread, but just for your and other proxies users' information: If you don't provide proxy target URL with a port number, it gets default karma port (in default case: 9876). This results in DEBUG [proxy]: [39mproxying request - <proxied_file> to <target_url>:9876 Correcting this to 80 (http) or 443 (https) solved the problem for me.
Hi @Krinkle, I also know that this is an old thread ;) I had the same issue and figured out that I have ciruclar proxies -> My proxies were using them selves.
In my case /base/app has been extracted to a proxy, eg. "/app". The target URLs were using "/app/.../..." which caused that /app was called in an endless loop -> socket hang up
@ilkercat @mianowski This bug is now fixed. See