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An erb inspired templating engine for Go


Gerb is a erb-inspired templating engine for Go.


template, err := gerb.ParseString(true, "....")
if err != nil {
data := map[string]interface{}{
  "name": ....
template.Render(os.Stdout, data)

There are three available methods for creating a template:

  1. Parse(cache bool, data [][]byte)
  2. ParseString(cache bool, data []string)
  3. ParseFile(cache bool, paths []string)

Unless cache is set to false, an internal cache is used to avoid having to parse the same content (based on the content's hash). The cache will automatically evict old items.

Once you have a template, you use the Render method to output the template to the specified io.Writer using the specified data. Data must be a map[string]interface{} or nil in the rare case where you have no template data.

It's safe to call Render from multiple threads.

Output Tags

Gerb supports two types of output tags: escaped and non-escaped. The only difference is that escaped tags will have < and > characters HTML-escaped.

<%= "<script>alert('this will be escaped')</script>" %>
<%! "<script>alert('this won't be escaped')</script>" %>


Gerb attempts to behave as close to Go as possible. The biggest difference is that method calls and field access is case-insensitive. Gerb supports:

  • ints
  • float64
  • strings
  • byte
  • fields
  • methods
  • arrays
  • basic operations

For example, the following works:

<%= user.Analysis(count)[start+7:] %>

+, -, /, * and % are the only support operations. Currently (and sadly) order of precedence is left to right and parenthesis cannot be used (parenthesis can be used in if/elseif statements).

Gerb might occasionally be a little less strict than Go with type conversions, but not by much.


Go's builtins aren't natively available. However, custom builtin functions can be registered. The custom buitlin len comes pre-registered and behaves much like the real len builtin. You can register your own builtin:

import ""
func init() {
  RegisterBuiltin("add", func(a, b int) int {
    return a + b

RegisterBuiltin isn't threadsafe. It's expected that you'll register your builtins at startup and then leave it alone.

Aliases and Package Functions

In addition to custom builtins, it is possible to alias package functions. This makes functions such as strings.ToUpper available to use.

By default, many functions from the strings package in addition to fmt.Sprintf and strconv.Atoi are available.

Since Go doesn't make it possible to automatically reflect functions exposed from a package, registration must manually be done on a per-method basis. Like builtins, this process is not thread safe:

func init() {
    "ToUpper", strings.ToUpper,
    "ToLower", strings.ToLower,
    "Sprintf", fmt.Sprintf

You can see a list of what's currently aliased by looking at

Multiple Return Values

If you call a function which returns multiple values, only the first value is considered/returned. The exception to this rule is with any assignment.


It's possible to create/assign to new or existing variables within a template:

<% name := "leto" %>

Assignment supports multiple values, either via an explicit list of values or a function which returns multiple values:

<% name, power := "goku", 9000 %>
<% name, power := sayan.Stats() %>

In fact, you can (but probably shouldn't) mix the two:

<% name, power := sayan.Name(), 9000 %>

This is also true for assignments within an if or else if tag:

<% if n, err := strconv.Atoi(value); err != nil { %>
  The number is <%= n %>
<% } %>


If tag closely mimic Go's if statements. Assignments within an if/elseif is allowed and braces are mandatory.


For tag supports ranged iteration (over slices, arrays, maps and strings) as well as the traditional C-style (including an empty for for { ... }).

The continue and break tag work as expected within a for loop.

++, --, += and -=

There's limited support for these four operators. As a general rule, they should only be used on simple values (support was added to support the i++ in a for loop).

Here's a couple examples of what is not supported:

<% user.PowerLevel++ %>
<% ranks[4]++ %>

Put differently, these 4 operators should only ever be used as such:

<% counter++ %>


Use <%% to trim newlines from literals before a code block. Use %%> to trim newlines from a literal following a codeblock.


<% can be used for comments within templates:

<%# my comment %>

Newlines can be trimmed around comments using <%%# and %%>

Errors and Logs

Render should never fail. By default, Render will log errors to stdout. This behavior can be changed. To disable all logging:


Alternatively, to use your own logger:


Your logger must implement Error(v ...interface{}).

Template Inheritance

The Parse, ParseString and ParseFile methods accept a variable length of parameters. The purpose of this is to support template inheritance:

t := gerb.ParseFile(true, "update.gerb", "member.gerb", "main.gerb")

Templates should be specified from innermost to outermost.

The <% capture NAME {%>...<% } %> and builtin yield can be used to manage content:

layout := `<title><%= yield("title")%></title> <%= yield %> <footer>...</footer>`
about := `<% content "title" { %>about us<% } %> We are ...`
t, _ := gerb.ParseString(true, about, layout)


Gerb can be configured via the fluent interface exposed by gerb.Configure().

  • Logger: specify the logger to use when an error is encountered rendering (defaults to stdout)