Karl John Oberas
Karl John Oberas
I couldn't figure out how to call and integrate the tflite models.
@vcvycy I've been trying to re-implement your code in Tensorflow-Lite. I followed https://github.com/jiangxiluning/facenet_mtcnn_to_mobile to create pnet.tflite, onet.tflite, and rnet.tflite files and imported to your Android project. I added 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:0.0.0-nightly' to...
For additional info, I have implemented your code for real-time camera face detection. That's why any improvement that can be done to the performance is greatly appreciated. I have used...
@siddisking thanks! I just want to implement the same code using MTCNN for face detection in Tensorflow Lite and I don't know how to proceed. I'm using this solution for...
> > @siddisking thanks! I just want to implement the same code using MTCNN for face detection in Tensorflow Lite and I don't know how to proceed. > > You...
@siddisking Thank you for the suggestions! I'm currently running MTCNN::detectFaces already in a different thread. Reducing the size of TextureView makes the UI look bad. So it seems I would...
@vcvycy thanks for the suggestion but this is simply capturing a photo. The real-time detection that I need is streaming from the camera and processing each frame with MTCNN::detectFaces. I'm...
@kli017 Hi! I believe this repo provides all the code to use the MTCNN model using Tensorflow-Android. You just have to follow the code in the MainActivity.java.