Karl Krasnowsky
Karl Krasnowsky
After having this problem with my own package after falling your tutorial, I checked via a fork of your repo if it was an issue with the original too. Apparently...
So there are options for manipulating these: --port: overrides the port of the server you'll launch --disable-watch: disables watching/reloading --open false: won't open the site in the browser but I'm...
I'm guessing that there is no mechanism for dynamically setting/resetting the log levels post runtime, and can only set this via code when newing up an instance of the logger?
This is happening. I think the script needs to perform a chown on the .composer directory and files. Package operations: 70 installs, 0 updates, 1 removal - Removing pkeogan/cloud9-install-laravel-5.5 (1.0.3)...
Since you appear to be abandoning Cloud9 support, do you mind if I continue borrowing/supporting your original code for Cloud9 use? I would be interested in knowing why your change...
Might be a byproduct with the access issues from my prior issue: when running php artisan migrate Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Illuminate\Foundation\Application' not found in /home/ubuntu/workspace/bootstrap/app.php:14
Too bad, seemed like a good idea.