telegram-backup-to-txt copied to clipboard
Tool to dump telegram into text files for quick search (e.g. with grep)
#+begin_src python :exports results :results output drawer import convert_to_plaintext print(convert_to_plaintext.doc) #+end_src
#+RESULTS: :results:
Script to convert HTML output from [[][telegram_backup]] tool to plaintext with proper filenames.
I'm using it for quick search (e.g. =grep=) in messages without having to go to web interface/mobile app. You can read more about it [[][here]].
- Usage
- Read [[][usage for telegram_backup]] to backup your account. Don't forget to run =--export html=!
- Run this script with the same =--target= and =--account= arguments as for backup script, and pass =--output= directory.
Personally I've got all this set up as a daily Cron job.
** Dependencies
~apt install sqlite3 html2text~