dron copied to clipboard
What if cron and systemd had a baby?
#+begin_src python :results drawer :exports results import dron; return dron.make_parser().description #+end_src
#+RESULTS: :results: dron -- simple frontend for Systemd, inspired by cron.
- d stands for 'Systemd'
- ron stands for 'cron'
dron is my attempt to overcome things that make working with Systemd tedious :end:
#+begin_src python :results drawer :exports results import dron; return dron.make_parser().epilog #+end_src
#+RESULTS: :results:
- What does it do? In short, you type ~dron edit~ and edit your config file, similarly to ~crontab -e~:
: from dron.api import job : : # at the moment you're expected to define jobs() function that yields jobs : # in the future I might add more mechanisms : def jobs(): : # simple job that doesn't do much : yield job( : 'daily', : '/home/user/scripts/run-borg /home/user', : unit_name='borg-backup-home', : ) : : yield job( : 'daily', : 'linkchecker https://beepb00p.xyz', : unit_name='linkchecker-beepb00p', : ) : : # drontab is simply python code! : # so if you're annoyed by having to rememver Systemd syntax, you can use a helper function : def every(, mins: int) -> str: : return f':0/{mins}' : : # make sure my website is alive, it will send local email on failure : yield job( : every(mins=10), : 'ping https://beepb00p.xyz', : unit_name='ping-beepb00p', : )
After you save your changes and exit the editor, your drontab is checked for syntax and applied
- if checks have passed, your jobs are mapped onto Systemd units and started up
- if there are potential errors, you are prompted to fix them before retrying
- Why? In short, because I want to benefit from the heavy lifting that Systemd does: timeouts, resource management, restart policies, powerful scheduling specs and logging, while not having to manually manipulate numerous unit files and restart the daemon all over.
I elaborate on what led me to implement it and motivation [[https://beepb00p.xyz/scheduler.html#what_do_i_want][here]]. Also:
- why not just use [[https://beepb00p.xyz/scheduler.html#cron][cron]]?
- why not just use [[https://beepb00p.xyz/scheduler.html#systemd][systemd]]?
- Setting up
- install system dependencies (see =.ci/run= ) -- these are necessary for =dbus-python= library
- install dron: =pip3 install --user git+https://github.com/karlicoss/dron=
- install =sendmail= from your package manager if you want to recieve job failure emails
- Using
#+begin_src python :results value :exports results import dron; p = dron.make_parser() p.prog = '' p.epilog = '' return p.format_help() #+end_src
#+RESULTS: #+begin_example usage: [-h] [--marker MARKER] {monitor,past,edit,apply,lint,uninstall} ...
dron -- simple frontend for Systemd, inspired by cron.
- d stands for 'Systemd'
- ron stands for 'cron'
dron is my attempt to overcome things that make working with Systemd tedious
positional arguments: {monitor,past,edit,apply,lint,uninstall} monitor Monitor services/timers managed by dron past List past job runs edit Edit drontab (like 'crontab -e') apply Apply drontab (like 'crontab' with no args) lint Check drontab (no 'crontab' alternative, sadly!) uninstall Uninstall all managed jobs
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--marker MARKER Use custom marker instead of default (MANAGED BY DRON)
. Possibly useful for developing/testing.
- Job syntax
The idea is that it's a simple python DSL that lets you define simple jobs with minimal friction.
However, if you wish you can pass arbitrary unit properties as keyword arguments as well.
- Caveats
- older systemd versions would only accept absolute path for =ExecStart=. That should be caught during =dron edit= though
- Potential improvements
custom validation; at the moment it runs pylint, mypy and systemd verify
make it more atomic?
E.g. roll back all the changes until daemon-reload
more failure report mechanisms?
Ideally, benefit from [[https://github.com/dschep/ntfy][ntfy]]
** TODO add issues with various questions that I had in code?